Worship Musician Magazine March 2024 | Page 41

Matt Redman talks about writing The Heart of Worship | # TheSundayHour BBC Radio 2
Heart of Worship ” was birthed out of his home church ’ s courageous , uncomfortable realization that they had in fact moved away from the heart of worship . The ’ d allowed their musical worship to become negatively affected by a consumer mindset . They had become so focused on musical excellence and sonic quality that they were confusing great music ( and the feelings they ’ d get when the music was great ) with the quality - or worshipfulness - of their worship .
Spotting this ( even though the musicians themselves could not ) church leadership decided to remove the instruments , the sound system , and the video screens from the services for a period of time . Working their way through some awkwardness to begin with , the church soon found that they were able to sing acapella - without instrumental accompaniment , amplification nor projections . It was indeed a landmark chapter . A turning point that saw people returning to ( what Matt Redman is quoted as saying ) “ the all-consuming response to the all-deserving revelation of God ” that true worship is .
Eventually the instruments , sound system and screens returned . I ’ m glad about that . I am a firm believer that there absolutely is a value in musical excellence ! But anything can - and easily does - become an idol that distracts from the full-life response of worship . Worship is , as the song says , all about Jesus .
If you want to hear Matt Redman explain some of this in his own words , watch this short BBC Radio 2 interview from 2013 where he tells the story behind the song . By this time the song had a global reach , way beyond Matt ’ s home congregation .
If you know me at all , spend much time with me or read many of the articles that I write , you ’ ll know that I love the Christian Church , that I am passionate about sung worship , but also that I am deeply concerned that we - individually and collectively - have lost sight of what it really means to worship God . It ’ s my opinion that we need to come back to the heart of worship today - perhaps even more than we did in 1999 .
I am concerned that the shape of our idolatry is bigger , better disguised and maybe even more dangerous than the worship of musical excellence . To get a taste of what I mean , check out this old December 2020 article of mine called “ SUPERIOR WORSHIP ”.
But this is not just The Church ’ s problem . It ’ s my problem too . James 5:16 in The Bible tells
me to confess my sins to other Believers . So , since you ’ ve made it this far through my article , may I confess to you , my reader ? If so , read on .
I need to confess . I like to think that I ’ m a worshipper . But , I tend to only worship God on my terms . Rarely on His . I ’ m an idol worshipper . At best , I ’ m part worshipper and part idolater . I need to come back to the heart of worship . Or maybe I ’ ve never been there . Either way , I want to worship God the way He requires as opposed to the way I want .
While music , songs and singing can be wonderful expressions of worship , my life surrendered in worship is what is required . ( Romans 12:1 )
I repent of my idolatry . The idolatry that I am aware of , but also the idolatry that is hidden from my consciousness . I am sorry and I recommit myself today to offer myself as a living sacrifice of worship to my God and Savior .
I ’ m thankful that I am forgiven . I ’ m coming back to the heart of worship . Will you come with me ?
Grant Norsworthy founder of MoreThanMusicMentor . com
MoreThanMusicMentor . com
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