Worship Musician Magazine June 2024 | Page 73

In the LO setting , Counterclockwise at 10:00 gives a fantastic musical slow wobble like tremolo . In the HI setting , you ’ re going to spatial strangeness with Instrument sounds from the Star Wars Nightclub scene . Single notes work best here . You can use the Frequency knob to tune to an octave , fifth or even a random frequency . The left side LFO adds another dimension to the pedal ’ s effect . LFO waveform affects the Oscillator controlling the Modulator section . What I love about this is how , by adding in the LFO , the Modulation takes on seemingly random waves that are beautiful and musical . Both Square and Sine waves contribute to strong fluttering or smooth tremolo effects . The Red LFO LED indicates the speed of the LFO in Square or Sine mode .
I ’ ve gotten some cool sounds on electric bass that could create a creative vibe , especially in a bridge section . It is very inspiring to make riffs that grab your attention . If you like loops , RingerBringer can liven them up . On modern synths , the CV controls show what Bob Moog was thinking when he designed these circuits .
MY TAKEAWAY : RingerBringer is an excellent pedal for creatives . It ’ s a no-brainer on synths and one of the most beautiful analog trem / wobble vibes you ’ ll ever hear . I can see many uses in the studio , and if you add an external CV pedal , it shines on spacious swells . If you are creative , you will enjoy what this pedal can do , even creating strange robotic textures .
For the normies , it ’ s a gorgeous wobble machine in a class by itself . There is nothing quite like the sound of an analog modulation pedal . RingerBringer would be a welcome addition to any creative musician and sells for $ 219.00 .
$ 219.00 WarmAudio . com
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