Worship Musician Magazine June 2024 | Page 58

• B and G strings bend up / down Whole or Half-step
• Standard Tele Replacement Bridge
• No Drilling or Routing required
• Accurate Intonation via compensated saddles
• Front-slotted intonation screws for easy intonation adjustments
• Available in Nickel or Chrome
• Can be Easily Reversed with the Original Bridge
French inventor David Certano has partnered with Houston , Texas ALLPARTS , to manufacture this unique easy-install bolt-on T-Bender . It allows you to bend the B and G strings independently up a whole or half step . His previous versions required drilling some holes and even possible bridge modifications . Certano also makes string benders for lap steel players .
OUT OF THE BOX : The Certano T-Bender comes safely boxed along with several stickers . This one for the review is Chrome . There ’ s also a Nickel option . Two stainless-steel benders can be adjusted for string tuning , arm pitch , and swivel tension with 3 spring-loaded adjustment screws . The first adjustment screw sets how tight the arm is to swivel from side to side . The back screw adjusts the arm ’ s pitch , controlling how high or low the arm sits . The middle screw will set the actual tuning of the bent note , either half or whole step , when pushed down . It has fully adjustable Brass compensated saddles for an authentic vintage tone , and each intonation screw is front slotted so that the intonation adjustments can be achieved from the front of the bridge instead of from behind . The arms can also be turned away from the bridge if not used .
IN USE : Like many studio guitarists , I ’ ve sometimes been called upon to either play lap steel or at least fake it with an alternate tuning and a slide . I was instantly intrigued when I saw this device at the Winter NAMM show . I was imagining how fun it could be to incorporate into modern Worship . Certano has been making string benders for quite some time for Lap Steel and even Telecasters , but with mandatory drilling for screws , permanently affecting your beautiful guitar finish . The T-Bender is solid and well-crafted .
INSTALLATION : For fun , I made a video chronicling my installation on a 1972 Sunburst Telecaster . I already had a heavier custom bridge installed . I liked its ability to nail the intonation and string height . The whole installation only took about 30 minutes . I removed the strings and three pickup screws and found the old bridge mounting
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