with respect to the lyrics of this song ?
[ Tauren ] Thank you . I am optimistic about the church , about the future of the church . I ’ ve never heard that Scripture before , but it rings true . A part of the genetic makeup of zeal is optimism , and I think we must remain optimistic about what God can do .
Tauren Wells - Fake It this reality and toward eternity . There are so many heartbreaking , devastating , disappointing things that are happening every day around us , and it gets heavy and that heaviness can almost feel permanent like it ’ s just going to always be like this . And a lot of times , we allow what we ’ re experiencing right now to frame what we feel like our reality will be forever .
[ WM ] You ’ re taking this all on the road soon . The Joy in The Morning Tour is all over the place this year . I ’ ll bet you ’ re excited .
[ Tauren ] I ’ m so pumped . The Joy in the Morning Tour is going to be epic . I kind of feel like it ’ s easy for some of us faith-oriented artists to just kind of show up , plug in our guitars , and have another worship service that looks a lot like church on the weekend . That is not what The Joy in the Morning Tour is . I love entertainment . And there was a time in my life where I was really worried about using that word , and it was a bad word for church folks and all that . I am becoming more and more comfortable embracing the idea of being an entertainer to captivate people ’ s minds , to move them in a certain direction , and that ’ s what entertainment does . entertainment can be used to move people in a lot of different directions . I just happen to believe that we can use it to move people toward God and toward each other .
So , The Joy in the Morning Tour is going to be lit . It ’ s going to be so much fun . I ’ ve got my friend , Aaron Cole , and my hometown squad , Lakewood Music , out on the road with me . We ’ re playing some venues I ’ m so excited about : The Ryman in Nashville , the Orpheum in L . A ., Town Hall in New York City . We ’ re playing the Yuengling Center in Tampa . It ’ s an arena . I cannot believe we are here . It ’ s absolutely unbelievable to me , and I can ’ t wait for people to come out to these shows .
I ’ ll tell you this . Just like how on my album , No Three Minutes Is the Same , on this tour and this show , no three minutes is the same .
[ WM ] Oh , that ’ s great .
[ Tauren ] It ’ s high-level dancing , choreography one minute . Then it ’ s me on acoustic guitar , piano worship moment . Of course , I got to preach a little bit anytime I have a microphone . So , it ’ s going to be really a great night for the whole family , so I ’ m excited for it .
[ WM ] When I watched the “ Fake It ” video , I just thought , “ My goodness , I have not seen this since the 25th Motown Anniversary Special .” What you were doing , it was so exciting to me .
[ Tauren ] Well , that makes me so happy . I ’ m definitely intentional about wanting what I do to translate to the whole world . And I think that we should be making art for whosoever will . I know that not everybody ’ s going to like my music , but anybody can like my music . I think no matter where you ’ re coming from in life , that there is a value that you get from it , whether on the surface of just the melodies and the sonic soundscape of it or if you take it several layers deeper and you allow it to speak to you on a soul level . It is intentional . The team that I ’ ve put around me by the grace of God is intentional because there are spaces that I want to bring grace , love , and truth into , and I ’ m excited that it ’ s coming together and that ’ s actually happening . There ’ s no agenda . I ’ m not trying to get in these spaces for any other reason than to bring people hope and perspective .
[ WM ] Is there anything that you wish I would have asked you , or anything else that you would like to say about Joy in the Morning ?
[ Tauren ] I would just say I hope that through this music , we reset people ’ s sight line beyond
If it ’ s this heavy right now , it ’ s going to be this heavy forever . If it hurts right now , it ’ s going to hurt forever . If these people have walked away from me , then people are always going to walk away from me . If I ’ m carrying this wound with me now , I ’ m going to carry it forever .
But we have this amazing opportunity as believers to actually flip our perspectives and use what we know about forever to frame what we know about right now . And what I know about forever is that there is a promised eternity for the believer in which all we experience is hope , love , peace , joy , comfort , that we will be in a place where there is no weeping , no disease , no funerals , no mourning , and that is an eternity that is coming . It is going to happen . It is the promise and hope of every believer .
So when I say joy in the morning and when I quote weeping may endure for a night , but joy comes in the morning , I ’ m not just talking about the glimpses of glory that we experience in the here and now . I ’ m talking about the fact that sometimes , this whole existence can feel like a night , but there is a sun that rises on an eternal horizon where we will step across that threshold into eternity with a sigh of relief and say , “ This is everything that I ’ ve been waiting for .” And I hope people are reminded of that .”
[ WM ] Tauren , it ’ s been a delight to visit again with you . God be with you in all that you ’ re doing , and thank you so much for this time .
[ Tauren ] Thank you ! Hopefully I ’ ll see you later this year at the Ryman show .
June 2022
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