Worship Musician Magazine June 2021 | Page 26

floored by what God was doing through it . But I ’ ve felt like it might be self-serving and maybe it ' s not for people to , you know , to spread .
But I mean , even just recently … here ' s a really special story . I was out in just this last weekend and there ' s a young man who is alone . I was in between Tennessee and Raleigh , North Carolina , that ' s a pretty long drive . We were going to leave that night , drive two hours , stay in some random town along the way , and then drive the next two and a half hours the next morning . We picked a random hotel . We got there , and we noticed the late-night clerk was kind of blown away , and I will get to that in a bit . I could tell , he was acting like , “ Oh my , I can ' t believe this . I can ' t believe this ”. But it was just like God had done something in his life .
The next morning , he emailed me saying , “ For the last several months I ' ve been just really struggling with dark thoughts . I ' ve been so lonely , no family , no friends . I try to reach out and no one reaches back and I just , I just don ' t think anybody cares about me . And I ' m starting to believe God doesn ' t care about me . I thought , well … why do I need to be here ?” That kind of thing . He then said , “ But that morning before you guys got checked in , I turned my car radio on . It was Christian radio and “ Battle Belongs ” came on . And I felt like it was for me , in that moment . And God spoke to me and said , “ Hey , you ' re in a tough season , but I ' ve got you , I ' m with you .”
And I hope God uses it in people ' s lives .
But then fast forward a couple of months and 2020 rolls around . And then the world starts getting shaken up a little bit and my life gets kind of shaken up a little bit and then a lot . And I find myself starting to sing the song to myself as I ' m out mowing the lawn or doing dishes or changing diapers . Not that those things are battles , but just like internally the things that were trying to steal my attention away from trusting in God . This is probably like March or April of 2020 . And then , and I remember my kids started saying , can you sing that ‘ when I fight on my knees ’ song ?
I ‘ ve almost posted a bunch of listeners ’ thoughts about this song just because I was
He continued , “ So I just chose to say okay God . I ' m going to try to trust you that , even though I ' m in this fight … in this battle over depression and fear and all that … I ' m going to trust that you see me .” That was his prayer , “ Can you see me ? God , can you show me ? Do You see me ?” He said he ' d been singing that song himself all day . And then I walked into this random town he just like , “ Wait , you ' re the guy that sings “ Battle Belongs ”! I don ' t know if this is good , probably not good for an interview . It sounds a little selfserving or whatever , but I just thought it was cool , Alex , especially in my heart . This guy just started tearing up and shed tears in front of us .
26 June 2021 Subscribe for Free ...