— the resolution brought by Epiphany reminds us that Jesus ’ birth begins with revolutionary implications . It ’ s all there from the start , and that context alone can provide an invigorating epiphany for many of us in the general sense , freshly grounding us in the radical ways of God . In being intentional to recognize Epiphany , we also recognize the more brilliant light of God , which has been revealed and made known in Jesus . We come to honor more than the birth of Christ .
We come to honor what that birth means .
Thus , we are reminded that Jesus ’ birth is not merely about making good on God ’ s Easter plan . Rather , in birth , Jesus is illuminating the very nature and character of God to us — even before he ever speaks a word .
CIRCLING BACK … Remember the prompt we began with ? This is where it ’ s coming from .
I find that there are many Christians who believe Jesus is like God , whatever “ God ” means to them . But there are not as many who recognize that the purpose of Jesus ’ incarnation is not merely to be a baby “ born to die ” ( which many sermons mistakenly suggest ), but to give us the closest look at God imaginable . And , as a result of getting this backwards , there have been considerably fewer Christians who catch hold of the true scandal of our own theology . It ’ s less that Jesus comes to us and is like God . Instead , it ’ s more like Jesus has come to us , and now , as a result , we can finally see God more clearly . We can see God in ways we could not see God before .
There isn ’ t a divide between Father and Son , but the Son is meant to be our specific lens through which we see the Father . If we neglect that dynamic , we end up projecting our own ideas onto God , and ignoring how Jesus challenges them in the process . Just as many religious folks did in the first century .
We needed Jesus in order for this shift to happen , and Jesus has been given the final word . We couldn ’ t ascend to the heights of God ’ s mind and ways , so high above our own … But Jesus brought them down to earth for us . And so the grand epiphany of our story ’ s resolution , goes something like this :
It ’ s not that Jesus is like God ; it ’ s that God is like Jesus .
Maybe that ’ s why Isaiah ’ s prophecy said so in advance :
“ The people walking in darkness have seen a great light ; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned … For to us a child is born , to us a son is given , and the government will be on his shoulders . And he will be called Wonderful Counselor , Mighty God , Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace .” ( Isaiah 9:2 , 6 )
Now let ’ s return to where we began , and let ’ s see if the words hit differently this time .
A SONGWRITER ’ S PROMPT : There have been plenty of Christians who believed that Jesus was like God , but there have been significantly fewer who believed that God is like Jesus . Can you write a song which explores how Jesus shows us the nature and character of God ? Can you write a song which develops the theme that Jesus shows us what God is like ?
I hope you feel excited to do just that .
To inspire you further , I am providing a meditational path of relevant scripture that will fill out some of these ideas from the prompt . It may prove a good place to draw from in writing a new song .
A song of epiphany .
SCRIPTURE “ In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God , and the Word was God . He was in the beginning with God . All things came into being through him , and without him not one thing came into being . What has come into being in him was life , and the life was the light of all people . The light shines in the darkness , and the darkness did not overcome it … The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us . We have seen his glory , the glory of the one and only Son , who came from the Father , full of grace and truth … No one has ever seen God . It is God the only Son , who is close to the Father ’ s heart , who has made him known .” ( John 1:1-5 , 14 , 18 )
“ Philip said to him , ‘ Lord , show us the Father , and we will be satisfied .’ Jesus said to him , ‘ Have I been with you all this time , Philip , and you still do not know me ? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father .’” ( John 14:8-9a )
“ He [ Jesus ] is the image of the invisible God , the firstborn over all creation . For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth , visible and invisible , whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers . All things were created through Him and for Him . And He is before all things , and in Him all things consist . And He is the head of the body , the church , who is the beginning , the firstborn from the dead , that in all things He may have the preeminence . For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell …” ( Colossians 1:15-19 )
“ In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways , but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son , whom he appointed heir of all things , and through whom also he made the universe . The Son is the radiance of God ’ s glory and the exact representation of his being , sustaining all things by his powerful word .” ( Hebrews 1:1-3a )
I prayerfully hope the result of these considerations is fruitful for you and your songwriting .
Kevin MacDougall Worship leader , published and recorded songwriter , musician and podcast producer . macdougall . k @ gmail . com