Worship Musician Magazine February 2024 | Page 15

have spontaneous worship every time . And the goal is we need to say something every time .” When you have a scripture , you can make it so formulaic on both sides . And I think we ’ ve been so conscious as leaders to say that our goal every time we get together is that people would encounter God , and we would lift up His name and praise His name . And so we ’ re going to lead in whatever way we need to do to get people to that place . And I ’ m just so thankful for a team that does that and isn ’ t scared . It is risky , and sometimes it is a little messy , but the goal , in the same way , is not to have a perfect worship service . That ’ s never our goal , even though what we do , I feel , is excellent . And we do our best to present something that ’ s very excellent in our worship . But the goal at the end of the day , like I said , is just to encounter Him and to lift up His name . And so I think we just have to do whatever we need to do to get there as worship leaders . That ’ s our job .
[ WM ] Yes . Good answer . When I watch the streaming , I ’ ve got to tell you , the drummers add so much to the worship music there . You get a worship drummer who knows what it ’ s about , and they take it to a whole new level . So tell us about the role of drummers on your worship team .
[ Andrew ] Oh man . Exactly . I mean , I think it ’ s important . I think about Austin Davis , who was playing drums yesterday , and he ’ s been a part of the church since the basement . The reason that you feel that way is because he ’ s a worship leader . He ’ s led worship in church in the past , and he thinks like a worship leader . So , he plays drums like a worship leader . He ’ s not just sitting back and waiting for someone to tell him what to do ; he ’ s not timid . He ’ s leading the band from the drums . And obviously , that takes maturity , and it takes time .
Not every person can sit at the kit and do that . But I think a lot of our guys , we ’ ve really encouraged them to not just play parts and not just play an arrangement like we sent them on Planning Center , but actually ask God ( for any position on the team , even beyond drums ) for any position . How can I serve what ’ s happening in this moment ?
I ’ ve been saying this thing lately to some of our team ... to have your physical eyes open and your spiritual eyes open . So , when we ’ re leading , we have our physical eyes open , seeing how the room ’ s responding and what ’ s happening in the room . But also our spiritual eyes , saying , “ God , what are you doing in this moment ?” And it ’ s not just ... if Hope and I are leading ; it ’ s not just on Hope and I to lead , but the band has to be in unity with what we ’ re doing , and they have to be sensitive and think , “ I sense Hope stepping into this moment right now .” And she ’ s prophetically proclaiming something , and I can either just sit back and watch her do that , or I can actually support her and join her on the kit , with the guitar , or by the keys . And so I think we ’ ve tried to create a culture with our band and our whole team where everyone ’ s engaged with what ’ s happening in the moment , instead of just checking out and playing my part . And I think that ’ s a massive part of it .
[ WM ] Well said . So , Andrew , I have a question for you . Tell me about your Martin guitar . And what pickup you ’ re using ?
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