I now know that this message was very much intended for this challenging and difficult year !
[ WM ] Marvelous . And you also recently released an exceptional worship song with Brandon Lake entitled , “ Battle is the Lord ’ s . Please tell us about this song .
[ Rebecca ] ‘ Battle is the Lords ’ is a song about God going before us and fighting our battles . It is a song about faith over fear . Personally , the message it carries has challenged me over and over again as I ’ ve sung it ! I had some vocal issues when I retired from music seven years ago so in this season where God has called me back to music ministry , I have had to face fears and insecurities to do with singing . But He reminds me in this song that my trust is in Him , not in my own power or strength . Thankful for this truth !
[ WM ] I ’ d like to turn our attention now to For King and Country . Congratulations on your Dove Award for Artist of the Year ! Luke and Joel , I first saw you guys at a Greg Laurie Harvest
Battle is the Lord ’ s
America event at the American Airlines Center in Dallas , TX . That was in October of 2014 . As a drummer I was awestruck at your sonic and visual usage of drums . You took charge of that arena because I can remember when churches didn ’ t even allow drums ! But you guys were bigger than life in your performance , anthemic in your sound , and overall epic in your presentation . I remember thinking , “ I just saw greatness ”. How did you originally craft your sound , look , presentation , and usage of percussion and instruments not typically used on stage ? You have an overall cadence that is rousing to the soul .
[ Luke ] I think you actually have to go back a few years and it all kind of merges together for me . I was about eleven or twelve when I asked for a drum set , and sure enough , I woke up early in the morning to see if Santa had given me a drum set . We all had pillowcases at the foot of our beds . Presents would go into a pillowcase , and I remember waking up pretty early and not seeing anything in the pillowcase , so I went back to sleep . I woke up again at seven or eight and I still didn ’ t see anything in the pillowcase . So , I picked it up and I shook it , and out came two drumsticks . At that point I pretty quickly realized the drum kit must be downstairs . So , I ran downstairs , and saw this beautiful red Yamaha custom drum kit made by the finest of Santa ’ s elves . It was the beginning of falling in love with rhythm , I didn ’ t have the patience to learn how to play other instruments , I loved being able to sit at a drum kit and immediately make a beat . No matter who you are or where you come from , anyone can sit on a drum kit and make a beat . It doesn ’ t have to be a good one , but you can make some type of music . Growing up I never played in other bands , I played by myself most of the
Rebecca and her husband Cubbie with their two children