at my space and concluded that some parts of it are already “ in play ”. I have several guitars already hanging on the wall ( shout out to www . StringSwing . com ).
I needed to keep my office desk in place as this room will now have a dual purpose – home office and home studio , but I took out a large filing cabinet and I moved around some homemade wood shelves to maximize available floor space . To be brutally honest , it took me about eight hours one Saturday to sort through piles of old paperwork in that large cabinet and other nooks and crannies in my office . What a mess . Now they are adding to the mess in the garage . Yikes !
My room is not an exact box , as it has a short entry way that breaks up the squareness and it has two windows . Acoustically it doesn ’ t sound bad for capturing acoustic guitars with a mic but I am going to dig deeper into my room acoustics at Auralex ’ s website . They have some free tools there to help you dial in your room . I already use their MoPad-XL Studio Monitor Isolation pads for my powered monitor speakers to sit on . I am confident I will be adding some of their paneling in soon . www . auralex . com
For me this is all about creating a blend of functional use for both the office and the home recording needs . I must admit it is fun to have your gear all around you even while you work . And since my work as publisher of [ WM ] and producer of three live guitar-centric events in the Northwest ( as well as the Christian Musician Summit conference ) all have so much to do with gear … it all co-exists nicely and makes my Zoom meeting calls more fun too .
My Mac laptop does the work in both applications , I still have my printer tucked in a corner and my record player and vinyl records round out the room . I have one of every issue our original [ CM ] Christian Musician printed magazine along with every issue of [ WM ] Worship Musician and [ CG ] Collectible Guitar too , so there is a historic vibe in parts of the room .
Triad-Orbit ’ s wall mounted telescoping mic boom arm # spacesaver