Worship Musician Magazine April 2024 | Page 94

Most importantly , when you arrive at the top of your mountain , stay humble and temper your success with a spirit of gratitude . You ’ ll help more people reach their summit that way and honor God in the process . Mama always told me , “ Nobody owes you anything and if anyone goes out of their way to help you , express your gratitude in some exemplary fashion .” She was right . The world owes me nothing . But I owe the world to her and to those who have helped me , which are legion .
[ WM ] Tell me about how your Christian faith influences how you live ?
[ Zoro ] Since I was a young boy , my faith in Jesus has guided all my important decisions . It has been my compass in every storm and given me a sense of purpose . Because Christ dwells in me , I live with the intention of making a difference everywhere I go . My faith enables me to dream and not give up ; to trust in God and not in circumstances . It gives me a vision that is beyond the temporal but rather established in the eternal . My faith grants me the grace to make mistakes and assures me I ’ ll be forgiven and spend eternity in heaven . I can think of no better way to live than having the peace that comes from being grounded in these truths .
[ WM ] What are you passionate about these days ?
[ Zoro ] The deeper mission of my life grew out of the paradox of my childhood . At times , it was miserable , yet amid the heartache and the struggle was a sense of great love , expectation , and adventure . It was life in all its fragmented glory . Still , I maintain a sense of gratitude for the painful conditions that birthed within me , the spirit of a motivator who loves to encourage people to love extravagantly , live hopefully , and believe there is a destiny awaiting them that is bigger and more beautiful than they could ever imagine . Inspiring others is my passion , purpose , and place where I find my significance . I do that through my drumming , speaking , teaching , writing , and mentoring , all of which I love immensely . But these days I have a burning desire to share my story at churches , conferences , conventions , and wherever people gather !
[ WM ] As a self-described underdog , how has overcoming adversity through perseverance helped shape your journey ?
[ Zoro ] It gave me character , compassion , drive , determination , and passion . Everything I undertake I do with a sense of urgency , as if it were the most important thing in the world and my very life depended on it . I believe all that passion and fire came out of my desperate
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