Worship Musician Magazine April 2024 | Page 93

to will remember . Then , one day , they ’ ll come to see you as their faithful champion . Theodore Franklin summed it up best when he said , “ It is better to be faithful than famous .” And I concur .
[ WM ] What do you hope people will gain from reading Maria ’ s Scarf ?
[ Zoro ] Throughout my memoir are some of the most heartbreaking , heartwarming , hilarious , and hopeful moments that have taken a boy from the slums to the spotlight . But my story is not for drummers . It ’ s for dreamers and all who have a desire to do something significant with their life . Through the love story of a family , a mother who gave her very best , and a boy who refused to give up his dream , I hope to touch the hearts of all and inspire people not to give up in the face of adversity . Life is tough for all of us , but I remain grateful for the fiery trials that forged me into the man I am today .
By sharing our struggles , we discover how similar our battles are . We find strength , courage , and solace in the stories of people who have endured , overcome , and succeeded . Those true-life tales of victory become arrows for future battles . They remind us that even in the face of great travails , we must never abandon hope — for it is the very thing that can change our destiny . My dreams kept me hoping against hope , and Maria ’ s Scarf is yet another dream come true . I hope my story leads every reader toward a glorious light of their own . One early reader had this to say after reading it , “ Your memoir makes me want to dream again . Go for the unthinkable . Unattainable .” That has always been the goal ; to inspire people to dream again and go for it and trust God for an unimaginable outcome . Maria ’ s Scarf is a ticket to a fantazmical excursion that will lift your spirits and inspire you to reach for the stars by showing what ’ s possible when we dare to dream and refuse to give up .
[ WM ] What advice would you give others trying to live out their dream ?
[ Zoro ] Count the cost . There ’ s always a price to pay and nothing great comes easy . It takes guts to get to glory , but I ’ m convinced there ’ s a hero inside each of us . The pressure that mounts from our seemingly insurmountable obstacles , if channeled correctly , gives birth to that hero , and that hero with the help of God , has the power to accomplish the impossible . Toward the end of my memoir , I share some of the highlights of my career , not to boast but to remind readers that anything is possible . I ’ m no more special or talented than anyone else in this world . If it can happen to me , it can happen to you .
To realize your dream , however , you must pursue it with childlike faith , one courageous step after another , until it manifests . Don ’ t give up . It ’ s never too late to bring that hero to life . But remember the Holy Spirit is the helper not the doer . We must get after it with all we ’ ve got , then God will do what only he can , and don ’ t forget , he did create us to dream . I ’ m still dreaming big dreams , trying my best to be a hero to someone , somehow , still attempting to scale higher mountains .
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