And many worship leaders who are strong in this role let the musical leadership distract them from leading the congregation .
3 . Service Planner ( or Worship Designer ): This is the person who plans the service or setlists . A person gifted in this role skillfully creates an intentional journey and a dynamic flow to the service .
The Worship Designer is another role many creatives absolutely rock . But often , they overemphasize the production and flow of the set and neglect the worship journey for the congregation .
4 . Team Shepherd : This is the leader who cares for and nurtures the team members .
Some creatives are highly relational , have strong empathy , a gift of mercy , and other strengths that make them fantastic shepherds .
Some creatives would rather gnaw their leg out of a bear trap than focus on the relational side of ministry . Their personality and gift mix make it challenging to do the relational work of ministry . For these creative worship leaders , they can fall into the trap of loving the production of Sunday more than the people .
Be honest with your worship leader if you see this . It will hurt . But your church deserves a worship leader who loves people , not just one who produces Sunday .
You should consider outside leadership coaching if your worship leader struggles with this . I have a gifted leadership coach on my team who can help drill down to some of the root issues , and then make an actionable plan to grow in this area .
Let ’ s talk and see if that would be a good fit for your worship leader . [ Go here to schedule a free consultation ]
5 . Administrative Leader : This is the leader who can create and implement the systems and processes that make the worship ministry run effectively . He or she may or may not be gifted to manage the details of those systems .
Process thinking doesn ’ t lie exclusively with creative or non-creative people . But when a creative worship leader can “ see ” the system and process solutions to their ministry problems , you ’ ve just discovered gold . The creative part of their brain applies solutions most of us would never see coming .
But when the creative worship leader struggles with seeing and implementing processes , they need coaching and direction . Intentional systems will free the creative worship leader to do their best work .
6 . Visionary Leader : This is the leader who helps the team move into the future . They are future-oriented , leading the charge toward improvement and new initiatives . They hate the status quo . For them , change is like Moose Tracks ice cream- it ’ s tasty .
Some creative worship leaders are future oriented . Some aren ’ t . Either way , you ’ ll probably need to intervene .
WHAT ARE YOUR WORSHIP LEADER ’ S BEST ( AND WORST ) ROLES ? So there are the six crucial worship leader roles : 1 . Congregational Leader 2 . Musical Director 3 . Worship Designer 4 . Team Shepherd 5 . Administrative Leader 6 . Visionary Leader
I can ’ t tell you which two roles your team member struggles with . However , if you ’ ve read this far , I can safely assume he or she isn ’ t strong at administrative leadership .
I ’ m also guessing you can rank all six roles in order from strongest to weakest for your worship leader . But I ’ d like to give you a tool that will help you create a healthy conversation about these different roles with your worship leader .
It ’ s our Worship Leadership Role Indicator . It ’ s a simple , self-scoring assessment that quantifies your worship leader ’ s strength for each of these roles .
Now , since it is self-scoring , it will give insight into how your worship leader perceives their own leadership . If they are younger , or just not very self-aware , this indicator tool will open up a chance for you to talk frankly about their blind spots and challenge areas .
Also , the tool is most effective when others complete as if they were the worship leader . It helps the leader see how others perceive his / her leadership .
We ’ ve included this Worship Leadership Role Indicator in the free Lead Your Disorganized Worship Pastor Resource Bundle . You can get free access to this bundle here .
Matt Miller Matt lives in Cincinnati , OH with his wife Kara and their daughter Melody . He ’ s the Head Coach of WorshipTeamCoach . com and WorshipWorkshop . com , two sites that help worship leaders make every Sunday exceptional . If you want to explore coaching or mentoring with the WorshipTeamCoach team visit this page . WorshipTeamCoach . com WorshipWorkshop . com
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