Worship Musician Magazine April 2024 | Page 44

Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash
As I ’ ve worked with worship leaders over the years , I ’ ve recognized six crucial leadership roles every worship ministry needs . These six roles will encompass the expectations you and your church have for your worship leader .
Unfortunately , your worship leader is terrible at two of these roles .
But so is every other worship leader !
The leadership roles necessary to lead a healthy and successful worship ministry require a gamut of gifts no ONE leader could ever possess . I ’ ll tell you what these roles are in a moment . But first , here ’ s how they break down for most people :
• Most worship leaders are absolute rockstars in one or two of the six roles . These roles are life-giving . It ’ s where your worship leader quickly finds the flow state in his work .
• Most worship leaders are OK at two to three of the six roles . They get the job done , but it ’ s not in their wheelhouse . This work can range from , “ I kind of like it ” to “ it ’ s just part of the job .”
• And one to two of the six roles are outside their strength and gift mix . These roles are soul-sucking . A good worship leader understands their strong roles and builds a team around them to complement the weak areas . One of the best gifts you can give your worship ministry leader is to help them lean into their strengths and build a leadership team to complement their weak areas .
So , as you read through each of these six crucial worship leadership roles , you ’ ll likely identify the top two and the bottom two for your worship leader .
1 . Congregational Leader : This is the on-platform person leading the songs , engaging the congregation , and modeling worship — the lead “ lead worshiper .”
( Note : He or she is often thought of as “ the worship leader .” However , that title is commonly used for the leader of the entire worship ministry . So for the sake of clarity , we use “ congregational leader ” to describe this role .)
Often , musically talented and creative worship leaders are confident in this upfront role . But it can become about their own artistic expression or personal worship time .
A true ‘ congregational worship leader ’ has a dual role : he loves and serves the congregation AND worships God .
2 . Musical Director : This is the person who leads the band and sometimes the vocal team .
They know …
• the flow of the set ,
• the segues ,
• the dynamic journey of the songs … … and they have the musical and production skills to direct the band to make it happen .
Their main goal is to make it easy for the congregational leader to engage the congregation and lead worship .
Many creatives flourish in this area . Unfortunately , the performance of the band and quality of production becomes the primary focus .
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