It was for us . It has marked us . It ’ s changed us because now we ’ ve always been praying and asking , God was just so kind to show us how powerful He was . How majestic He was . How holy He is . And yet at the same time , how kind , merciful and graceful He is to draw us into that . And then by the end of that 20 minutes , the place was just erupting and there was just a roar of praise . And when we walked off stage , I personally had no idea that … that moment was 20 minutes long . And I just love that . I ’ ve seen God do that in chapels on small universities in the middle of nowhere and then in a massive stadium in the middle of Atlanta , Georgia . I love it . Pastor Louie would say , “ God will do whatever He wants , whenever He wants , however He wants … through whomever He wants . Anytime .” That ’ s right . We ’ ve been trying to carry that spirit of availability with us since then , for sure .
[ WM ] That ’ s wonderful . Yeah . When I heard that , I thought , whoa , because that song ’ s always done that to me , but this was a different generation doing that song .
Switching gears here … what ’ s your acoustic guitar of choice ?
[ Brett ] I play an OM-28 . I love Martin Guitars . That one ’ s my main guitar . And also I ’ ve had an HD-35 forever , and I love that one . I don ’ t play it as much . I ’ m kind of a smaller guy . So I like the OM-28 . Okay . It just feels good .
[ WM ] And here ’ s a lighthearted question to finish up with . I haven ’ t asked this question in a while , but if you owned a food truck , where would you park it and what would you serve ?
[ Brett ] Oh , that ’ s a great question . I would definitely serve tacos . I feel like those always win in the food truck scenario . And I don ’ t know . I live in Marietta , Georgia , and there ’ s a little town square , so I ’ d probably park it up by there by the gazebo .
[ WM ] Brett , thank you so much for this time today . I really enjoyed our visit . Please say hello to Louie for me .
[ Brett ] My pleasure . And thank you .
Visit Brett Today @ www . instagram . com / brettyounker twitter . com / byounker www . facebook . com / byounkermusic
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