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PHIL WICKHAM Song Spotlight - “ Sunday is Coming ”
SHANE AND SHANE Psalms , Hymns and Spiritual Songs Live
As I write this review , we are just a week or so before Holy week begins . Another remembrance of Christ ’ s journey to the cross as the palm branches are laid down and the crowds shout “ Hosanna ”. Jesus celebrates the last supper with his friends before being arrested and hung on a cross and then rises from the grave three days later . We all know the story and there are hundreds of songs that recount this historical week but somehow Phil Wickham found a way to write it all out in a new and refreshing way in his latest single , “ Sunday Is Coming ”.
Beginning with a subtle piano and pad , verse one outlines who people think Jesus is at that time . Some say He is the King that will set the chosen people free . Some say he is a crazy man who claims to be the Son of God and just wants to cause trouble to the Romans . The last line of verse one tells us who He is : “ Wonder workin ’ rebel priest , Jesus Christ the Nazerene ”. This line is the premise for the rest of the song . There is no doubt who Jesus in fact is , He is God incarnate and the only one who can save humanity from their sin .
Verse 2 tells of the plan for this “ perfect man ” who would have to be the sacrifice that would mend the broken relationship between God and man . So here again just like verse one , we get truth in the midst of uncertainty and begin to understand Jesus ’ ultimate purpose for taking on flesh .
The chorus reminds us why we call Good Friday “ Good ”. Sounding like a modern
spiritual , Wickham ’ s throaty vocals triumphantly remind us that : “ Friday is good cause Sunday is coming ”. These words serve as a hopeful balm to the weary soul as we are reminded that no matter what trials we may face during this life , or how lost the world around us may seem , the victory that Jesus won because of the cross awaits us for eternity .
Verses three and four see a slight increase in intensity with addition of the four on the floor kick drum . Here Wickham outlines the story of how Jesus allowed Himself to be betrayed , arrested , beaten and mocked before being crucified which was the fulfillment of scripture . Another chorus follows before a stripped back bridge that tells of the death and burial of Jesus .
The interlude brings another increase in musical anticipation as we are told that this is not the end of the story as Wickham ’ s vocals soar into the stratosphere before verse five brings in the women at the tomb and the final glorious declaration that “ He is alive ”.
The outro reminds believers of our present and our future as we hear about the King who is now seated on the throne as we watch and wait for His return .
Rarely have I heard the entire story laid out in such artistic vernacular with singable melodies and musical energy that matches with the story we are hearing . This song could be a powerful tool for your Easter services this coming season .
1 . All Creatures ( Sing the Harmony ) 2 . You ’ ve Already Won 3 . All Sufficient Merit 4 . Unto Him ( Jude 24-25 ) 5 . Tell the Story ( Psalm 8 ) 6 . My Portion 7 . Psalm 42 ( Loudest Praise ) 8 . Psalm 8 ( How Majestic Is Your Name ) 9 . Psalm 90 ( Satisfy Us with Your Love ) 10 . Only There
Since 2001 , Shane Barnard and Shane Everett have been blessing the church at large with songs that are Biblically rich in content while being relevant to worshipers across generational lines . Their latest release , Psalms , Hymns and Spiritual Songs Live is a 10-song collection of previously released songs mixed in with a few new tunes recorded at Liberty University in Lynchburg , VA . The live album is a wonderful combination of the Psalms , a few old hymn favorites and a re-imagined spiritual or two . Weave in the duo ’ s incredible harmonies and creative arrangements and you have a powerful night of worship that includes additional vocals from The Worship Initiative ’ s Davy Flowers , Aaron Williams , John Marc Kohl , Trenton Bell and others .
The newest track , “ You ’ ve Already Won ,” is