Worship Musician Magazine April 2023 | Page 18

majored in Jazz . So , everything we played ( even worship ) leaned in the jazz direction and made it so fun to practice .
Also any kind of deep movie scores and Disney . Man ! They ’ re amazing writers . I still pull out some old Disney music books for fun . Same with some jazz classics . I get so inspired to play and create after stretching my brain with funky chords and sight reading . I ’ m not the best at it but it ’ s kinda like a reset for me and re-inspires me for what I really do .
There ’ s also so many musicians on social media that I ’ m discovering . And it ’ s such an amazing tool that can be used for good . It ’ s humbled me and it inspires me to want to be better and not stay stagnant in what I ’ ve learned .
[ WM ] Do you play keys outside of the church ? Do any session work ?
[ Lydia ] I ’ m open to any work but so far in my experience , it ’ s all been opportunities through word-of-mouth which has been just church , Christian events or recordings / studio time for individuals or myself .
[ WM ] Can you list one or two worship albums that inspire your own worship keys playing ?
[ Lydia ] I was surrounded by Bethel Music for many years so there ’ s a special place there in my heart for any of those albums and a history of encounters with the Lord . Same goes for people like Jon Thurlow , Rita Springer , Laura Hackett , Laura Woodley ( Home album ), Maverick City , Upperroom . I know those aren ’ t specific albums ( and limited to one or two -ha!) but I ’ m drawn to the anointing and music that takes me into the presence and so it ’ s hard to narrow it down !
And that ’ s a big thank you to my parents for sowing seeds in stewarding the presence and training what to look for with anointing .
Also early on my uncle and aunt , Carl and Leann Albrecht , played a huge role involving all things worship and music in our lives as young musicians .
I ’ m naturally going to be drawn to the moodybroody-prophetic-swirly-feely music ! It ’ s evident in my worship leading too . I ’ m always down to skip the first couple hype songs ! ( laughing )
[ WM ] Outline your ‘ live rig ’ on stage for us . Keyboards , software , tracks you use … basically everything .
[ Lydia ] All my sounds come from Reason / Ableton on my laptop . Luke Hendrickson , Ian McIntosh and Nick Stailey really invested into me along my journey in helping teach me or hook me up with sounds , software and gear . So grateful for them and so many others who had patience with my million repeating questions !
Because I use my laptop when I have gigs , I
18 April 2023 Subscribe for Free ...