of the band guys have worked at churches full songs, like I had never done before. This was don’t I get a job there?” (laughs) I came across
time. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but when recording at home was becoming more CD Baby in 2003, but I got a job here in 2006.
I am from the West Coast, and I just knew that accessible, so I recorded a bunch of these and I wanted to get back to the West Coast. My put together a band here in the Northwest.
wife was from the Portland area, I was from
[WM] So what did you apply for when you
went there?
San Diego. But I couldn’t afford to live in San That was also when I was thinking, there’s got Diego as a broke musician and this was back to be a better way for artists to release music. [Kevin] There was no marketing department,
when the Portland area was cheap. Portlandia, With Smalltown Poets, our troubles weren’t it was a different world then, CD Baby was like
the dream of the 90’s that they tell you about that people didn’t like our music, people loved a youth group (laughs). Walking in for the first
(laughs), this was around 2000 that I moved out our music but we had this label in the way. We time it looked like the youth group at the church
up here, and it was a very affordable city with sold hundreds of thousands of records, if we that had been kind of trashed and neglected,
lots of arts culture. had just sold twenty thousand at that time for but there were some computers in there and a
fifteen dollars a piece directly to our fans we’d bunch of musicians doing something.
So I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, I was be making more money than we’d ever seen really into photography so I was pursuing that in our lives. So when I was making that record Back then, there were really two jobs at CD
some and I was picking up part time work. with the band I had put together, that’s when I Baby. One was working in the warehouse. We
But then I just went through this explosion came across CD Baby. And I really just dove were already doing digital distribution to iTunes
of creativity. The Northwest is just so dark into all of the resources they had as far as but that was still relatively new, so a lot of what
and moody, especially in winter, that I think it getting CDs made and promoting your music we were doing was taking orders for artists and
really pulls a creativity out of you that you sure and selling it directly to fans. I just got super shipping CDs for their fans, so working in the
didn’t get in San Diego when it’s all sunny and excited about it. I released that independent warehouse. Or you could be one of the people
happy all the time. So I was writing all these record, and then just started thinking like, “Why that talked to artists all day and helped them
June 2019
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