the weekend we would still be playing shows.
We couldn’t take three straight weeks just to
be about tracking because we had to keep
some income coming in. For an artist it can be
feast or famine, so you’ve got to prepare for the
famine while the feast is happening.
[WM] Do you have a family or anything at
this point?
[Kevin] During that time I got married and two
of the other guys were married as well. After
about a year and a half of me playing with the
band my wife came on the road with us and
was selling our merch, we didn’t have any kids.
The other person at the time who was married,
he had a kid who was actually born right before
our debut album was released. That whole year
Danny hardly saw him, and that was tough.
I’m sure I wasn’t as sympathetic as I could
have been. I was never the guy who was like,
“I wanna have kids!” We waited a long time to
have kids. So I wasn’t very sympathetic, but
now that I have kids, I don’t even know how
he did it. I travel a lot for CD Baby, but now my
kids are nine and twelve and it’s not a problem.
But with a baby, you’re gone for a week and
they look totally different, much less “see ya in
six weeks”.
[WM] So after those three and a half years
are up and everyone is thinking of going their
separate ways, are you thinking about what
kind of career you’ll do now? Did you guys have
those conversations on the road to prepare for
breaking up?
[Kevin] We didn’t really “break up”. The lead
singer did a record with some other guys as
Smalltown Poets, so it was like people kind of
“trickled out” is how I would describe it. Our
original drummer left while we were recording
our second album. Then the keyboard player
who had the kid said he couldn’t tour anymore
when the second album was being released.
So it kind of was a slow trickle, but I would
attribute it all back to the fact that we were
at a point where we were making enough to
pay our bills as individuals. There weren’t any
real personality conflicts is what’s so funny. We they’re all in your stuff, you’re on top of them.
would be on the road and we were the most You just don’t want to look at their face for
mellow and easygoing guys who just liked another twenty-four hours for a week straight
being together, and we would hear all these again (laughs). It can make you a little crazy,
stories about other bands who were always but we were so easygoing. It wasn’t because of
yelling at each other and at each other’s throats personality conflicts or anything like that, it was
fighting. You’re in tight quarters with people. just needing to take care of business.
I wouldn’t say that those people are terrible
people, you just get irritated with people when
June 2019
Post doing Smalltown Poets full time, a couple
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