Nathan East
Alan Parsons
Paul Jackson Jr
Sheila E
From 6 seasons of Glee, to The Goldbergs, artists including Celine Dion, Barbra
Streisand, and Mariah Carey, Tim’s work as a producer and singer span the
breadth of the industry.
As a television personality, Tim was featured on ABC’s Boy Band in 2017. Tim is
producing two feature films in 2019 and two television shows for 2020. In
addition, Tim is on tour with Barbra Streisand in 2019, singing background
Some of Tim’s credits are listed below.
Celine Dion
Josh Groban
Barbra Streisand
Mariah Carey
Bette Midler
Cee Lo Green
Barry Manilow
Rachel Platten
Sam Smith •
American Idol
The Voice
The X Factor
The Oscars
The Emmys •
Monsters University
Spider Man •
Danny Gokey
Andrea Bocelli
Matt Goss
Keith Urban
Tim Davis
The Goldberges
Angie Tribeca
American Horror Story
Vinnie Colaiuta
The Grammys
Boy Band
The Super Bowl
The Amerikans
Agent Carter
Philippe Depallens
Captain Underpants
Beauty And The Beast
Ice Age 1, 2, 3
The Lorax
Plus, the vast experience that these artists offer Hollywood
Bowl, Batman the Greek
Neighbors 2
Indiana Theatre,
Jones words could ever do. Music can make us laugh
our students is beyond anything they could Guitar Headquarrters, etc. Regarding food, the or make us cry, pull us up to dance or relax
ever learn at a traditional school. campus has consistently been in the top ten us to sleep. It can lift our spirits, cause us to
schools in the nation when it comes to food. empathize, motivate us to action, and help us
The Boss
The Polar Express
Spider Man 1, 2, 3
Happy Feet
[WM] Tell us about your plans for Songwriters?
[Tom] Just as with every other aspect of
fall in love. “The Singing Revolution” is a great
[WM] Tell us about the degrees available there example of the power of music winning Estonia
in CCM? their freedom from Communist occupation.
music, we address Songwriting based on
Think of the scene from ‘Casablanca’ where the
these ‘3 Vital Pillars of Success’; Teaching [Tom] The two degrees in Commercial Music French patrons sing 'La Marseillaise' in defiance
solid foundational skills, fostering and nuturing (Performance and Studio Production) are four- of the Nazis. In the last 24 hours, I’ve seen huge
innovative creativity and real-world practicality year Bachelor of Music programs that are fully crowds of people leap to their feet and cheer in
and inspiration, I could write you a book on accredited. The curriculum is structured to take response to a few notes of a familiar melody.
each one of these. the student deeper each semester into real- As we are speaking, I am watching thousands
world musical training and application. of people in the streets of Hong Kong singing
[WM] CBU is a very respected university.
songs of freedom in defiance of an unjust law.
Tell us about the location and proximity to the [WM] music industry, about the size of the overall can you offer to aspiring musicians, artists, Everybody loves music, but the gift of music is
campus itself and I heard it is pretty highly rated and songwriters? actually pretty rare. The natural ability to make
also when it comes to food on campus?
music, to sing, to create, to perform, to write a
[Tom] As any of our music legend pals will tell song that touches people; that is truly a Gift to
[Tom] The main CBU campus is in Southern you; one of the great benefits of being in the Biz treaure! If you have that gift, if you are one of
California, roughly 30 minutes from downtown for a while is seeing how everything comes in us, then you owe it to yourself to develop that
Los Angeles. It’s a spacious, beautiful campus “waves”. People have been making music for gift. Explore the potential, surround yourself
and it seems like it is growing everyday! We thousands of years; styles may come and go, with other gifted people who get you and
have an amazing recording studio on campus the delivery system will undoubtedly continue understand your dreams and visions! That is
as well as multiple performance venues. But to morph, tastes may change, but the power of what the Center for Commercial Music @CBU
we will also be holding classes and sessions music will never go away! Great music impacts is all about.
at key Music Industry locations throughout people at a deep heart/gut-level, it can deliver SoCal; a message with far greater influence than mere
June 2019
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Tom Brooks
CBU Music Programs