Right from the start, our students will be making [WM] Musicians and artists today need to in your cap and gown in the library of an Ivy
music while they are learning about music. Our possess a strong degree of acumen with League School… but in the real-world you
industry-based internship program is the most regard to performance, craft, music business, need real-world practical knowledge of how
extensive in higher education. Chances are the social media, and more. This, in addition to to create music that inspires people, makes
people you meet at CCM will be the key people interpersonal and communication skills that goosebumps, causes people to leap out of the
who help launch your career. Relationships are allow for a healthy longterm relationships. seats at a concert, buy movie tickets, etc.
key and we are very purposeful about pairing How our students with music industry artists and these essentials?
[WM] Who are some of the "names" that
professionals who can jump-start careers.
you have been able to bring in for students to
interact with?
We are mentoring renaissance musicians. By When I describe our program as “real- that I mean, musicians who are masters of a world” and ‘practical’, this is exactly what [Tom] In addition to our Creative Team of
wide variety of musical skills; it’s the only real I’m talking about. These are essential skills Nathan East, Alan Parsons, Paul Jackson, Jr.,
way to survive today. Our graduates will not only we will focus on right along with harmony, Sheila E., Tim Davis, Vinnie Colaiuta, Philippe
be great players sought after for their studio arranging, etc. Depallens on the business side, and myself,
and live performance, but skilled arrangers and
we also have special guests lined up such as
producers, capable of engineering when called [WM] How important is it to include musicians Ryan Teddar of One Republic, famed Engineer
on, clever when it comes to artist promotion and artists that might not have a strong Alan Sides, Jason Mraz, Sheryl Crow, keyboard
in academic background, yet possess a strong phenom Cory Henry, film score genius Hans
track record in the arts? Zimmer, guitar legend Eric Johnson, and many
about contracts and copyright, prepared to
negotiate sync rights, TV placement deals, and
much more.
more. There will be an unexpected life-changing
[Tom] Our students will learn right away
surprise every week at CCM.
and understand that many times there is no
[WM] That is quite a monumental task! single “correct” answer or no “one way” to [WM] What does this dynamic offer both
What will your students walk away with after approach a musical challenge. Our program students and guest artists?
completing the program? is geared toward people who are passionate about music; whether they have tons of [Tom] It really does create a beautiful synergy;
[Tom] Our graduates will have careers in academic training or absolutely none at all. 1+1=3 situation. There’s an inspiration factor
music that will last a lifetime. There is nothing Steve Lukather studied music theory, but when you get fed knowledge from a hero you
that makes me sadder than to reflect back Jimi Hendrix did not. Both brilliant musicians. respect and for the artist/musicians, they love it
on brilliant classmates of mine who ended up Cole Porter was academically trained but Paul as well! They love the opportunity to give back
waiting tables, never fulfilling their true musical McCartney was not. Again, both phenomenal and I see them soaking up fresh energy from
destiny. I won’t let that happen to our students. composers. Academic ‘theory’ may be great our students; they see themselves when they
to impress your friends at parties or discuss were first starting out and it rejuvenates them.
June 2019
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