Worship Musician June 2019 | Page 51

myself off to that invitation and He has been My voice isn’t auto tuned when I’m having a someone brings who they are to the table. I here all along? What if that were the true thing? conversation with my wife. And I’m not saying don’t want them to bring who I am with their Then all of a sudden, a world of possibilities those things are bad at all. Those things have voice, I’d rather they be themselves. opens up to heal and to love again. So that been most certainly used, but I’m saying what I moment, capturing all of that, I’m saying all of love about live moments, it’s what I love about The real gift is not just their vocal, it’s their ‘thing’. that because it wasn’t even trying, it was just leading worship, it’s what I love about having In collaboration that’s the prize so to speak. You being. “Let’s sing it and see what happens”, your guitar in your living room and singing… get something that could only happen with two that was the mentality. there is no substitute for real experience. I think people bringing their perspective to it, or in this that’s why I prefer hearing live music anyway, case three people. It opens up the possibility When you’re around people that invite you to it’s really what the voice sounds like. Of course, that you could do it and it could bomb, that’s vulnerability and who are willing to sing that it’s through a mic and a processor and all that, certainly an option as well. It’s not like it always vulnerability with you it’s almost hypnotizing but even when you’re talking to someone ends up great. That’s why I love collaborative because all of a sudden, you’re not as self- you’re like, this is a real human voice. This is experiences so much, they’re not predictable conscious as you used to be because you’re a real acoustic guitar and he just really flubbed by nature. Everybody brings their ingredient to doing this thing together. When we heard the that note and its okay, no one died. the stew and you get what you get. It’s amazing final version of it we were like, “Wow, this is when it turns out like something like this where pretty raw”. But we didn’t change it, we just left There’s something endearing to me about that you’re just like, “Wow”. I couldn’t have done it (laughs). We couldn’t get that little pop that and it reminds me of being human and how that myself, even just me and Amanda couldn’t you were talking about at 3:15. We couldn’t get sometimes the non-perfection of humanness have done that, only all three of us together. it out of the track, so we just left it, and it kind makes it perfect, because it’s endearing or And that’s what I love about collaborations of serves the song well anyway. It’s just a real something. You don’t want to steal the soul so much, especially when it comes out of moment that really happened and that’s just of the real thing all the time. Sometimes it’s friendship… it’s amazing! a real sound in the recording (laughs). I can’t appropriate to leave it in there instead of edit it believe you’re the only person that’s ever called out. I’ve tried to cross that road a million times [WM] As a songwriter, musician, and worship it out though! doing my records. Like, “Wow, this song is really leader, how do you set yourself up for a time- long, do we edit out one of these choruses and stamp moment, one that really captures the [WM] Pat, I’ve played this song in ‘loop mode’ manufacture a moment that didn’t happen?” raw essence of that moment? on YouTube more times than I can count, and Sometimes I’ve had to do that to make a as I was listening one day I was like, “Wait, is track fit on the record. But sometimes you’re [Pat] That’s why I think leading worship is so that the sustain pedal on the piano? What was like, “What if we just left it?” Because it really powerful because you have to be in the moment the last time I could actually tell that it was a happened. I feel that struggle all the time, you’re you’re in. What I’ve done and really like to do is real piano?” I just love the fact that the raw actually bringing up something that I fight often to put myself in situations where you only get essence of what makes music so intimate was in my own decision making. How much do one chance. In the recording world especially, not covered up in overdubs, because then you change something that happened to get there aren’t many situations like that, where we you’re taking the listener further and further something that sounds better? Or how much can only use one take. we’re not playing to a away from that moment where the revelation do you leave something the way it is because click, we’re just playing to each other, so you of what you guys experience together in that that’s the way it is. I don’t know the answer to can’t just fly in another part. If you miss a note room happened. That’s not to say that I don’t that (laughs). or whatever, you can’t just do a clean edit. I love overdubs, I do. But this recording captured think it’s really healthy for people to have both something that to be honest, I’ve really missed [WM] Amanda and Steffany have amazing hearing in recordings – people daring to hit the personal and musical rapport. How do you record button and see what happens! balance your vision for a song like “Sails” with I think seeing a band multiple times is a really coming to their party and letting them do what compelling experience. It’s why people follow they do? U2 to every city, because there’s something [Pat] I think that’s so interesting. We go through painstaking attempts to make something of those experiences. different that happens in every moment. It just emulate something real. In some ways that’s [Pat] For me that’s a really easy decision forces you into a different headspace and I just a utility, it makes sense in certain scenarios because what I love about Amanda and Steff, just love that. You don’t get a re-do of a live and I love that. I do think the humanness in life and actually what I love about co-writing concert. You can do it again, but you can’t re- rarely has the noise gauge set on perfection. and having other artists featured on, is when do what you just did, you have to keep it. I think June 2019 Subscribe for Free... 51