room to finishing it in California. I have to tell you,
on the record version we weren’t in the same
room when we sang it together. I recorded it in
Nashville with Ed Cash and then we piped in
Amanda and Steff from California and watched
them as they recorded it over FaceTime. We
were all connected but just across the country
when it was happening. I remember driving in
my car in Atlanta after they dropped their audio
onto the track, and no joke I had to pull over
the car because I was just weeping. There is
something about it that hit even truer hearing it
back, it feels way more special than I could have
even imagined it. It was one of the songs on the
record that I thought, “I hope people hear the
radio single so that they find this song”. That’s
weirdly what I was thinking.
[WM] While the arrangement is stripped
down, it sure doesn’t sound that way. Can you
describe how to actually make that happen?
[Pat] The best way to make that happen, and
this is honest, all we did is we got together
in that echo chamber of a warehouse room.
I mean it was so echo-y, to the point where
everyone was a little nervous. There was no
way to get it out of the take, it’s in the room. It’s
not like you had to add any verb, you had no
choice. So all of it was literally live. We had ears
to hear each other just to give us reference, but I
had no idea that Steff was going to start singing
what she started singing at the end. I had no
idea what it would sound like listening back.
We did one take and then that was the next own spontaneity of expression communicate come up with every reason why it’s hard to trust
one, and what felt special about it was it didn’t really deep things and open themselves up that again. We think it’s just going to be too painful
feel like it was to impress anybody. It didn’t feel way and be willing to share with other people. because of the hurt we’ve experienced, and
like, “Lights! Camera! Worship!” It really wasn’t It has this ability to cut though the defensive all of that stuff. We just play that script to the
any of that. It just felt like three friends singing a clutter that we throw in order to not go there, point of wearing it out in our minds and we start
song together and trying our best to relay that and to see someone doing that, it almost gives to believe it. Until someone says, you know
feeling of connection and invite other people you permission to put your guard down. what? I spent all this time stuck in my head and
couldn’t see past myself, and all of this time you
into it.
I remember the feeling when she sang “I spent were right here in front of me. God’s been here,
What’s so amazing about Steff and Amanda so many years stuck in my head”. I have the door has been open, the invitation has been
is that they just wear their emotions on their chills right now even thinking about that line, laid out and He’s been knocking.
sleeves when it comes to singing, and it’s pretty because how true is it that we get caught up unbelievable to watch and experience in real in the spinning of our minds? It doesn’t allow All the years that I felt the absence of Him, or the
time. I don’t know what that does to the human for the door of our heart to open because we absence of His presence, maybe He’s not the
heart when you’re watching somebody in their try to over rationalize, and relive the past, or one who has been absent? Maybe I’ve closed
June 2019
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