Worship Musician June 2019 - Jonathan Cain | Page 171
gig, a bar, or a party for a wedding, or a hotel be better than being a musician? pray and He wants you to listen. If God’s will is
reception, or your high school dance… I would [WM] What words of encouragement do you aligned with your will, man, you’re really in good
say try to check your ego at the door. When have for Christian musicians? shape there.
“How come I didn’t get a drum solo?” or, “How [Gregg] One thing I think I could relay to The other thing is to try to be positive, try to be
come my name wasn’t introduced as loudly as other musicians is to pray… pray for other a light in dark places. Don’t say, “I’m not gonna
the guitar player?” or, “The guitar players meet people, pray for gigs. I prayed about the be in this band, and I’m not gonna play this
all the girls”, you know, just forget about stuff Maynard Ferguson gig, David Lee Roth gig, I particular music because I don’t think it’s right
like that. prayed about the Ringo gig, the Electric Light for me”. You know, Jesus didn’t just hang out
Orchestra gig. I prayed about the band I had with a bunch of people that were Christians…
you’re playing in a band no one wants to hear,
Just be glad that by the grace of God you’re his disciples were people from all walks of life.
behind your drums. People don’t dance to We need to be a light in all kinds of places.
guitar, they don’t dance to bass, or keys, or
vocals, people dance to the drums. So, you
have the joy of knowing that you’re playing that
right tempo and you’re grooving and holding
that tempo over the whole song, you’re making
people move. Even if they’re not dancing
they’re snapping their fingers, tapping their
feet, bobbing their heads, they’re grooving and
moving because you’re playing a groove that is
an infectious beat that is getting into their soul.
It’s like Ringo, he doesn’t need the money, he
doesn’t need to go touring around the world,
he’s going to be 79 years old in July, but he
loves to tour because he loves feeding off of the
audience, getting that energy. I look out there
and there are people weeping, people crying
with joy and jumping up and down, screaming,
dressing up in Sergeant Pepper suits. Anyway,
he loves bringing people joy.
God gave us music and we as musicians can
bring people joy. I have some good friends who
work at desk jobs (nothing against desk jobs)
but they feel like they’re not really making a
difference, they’re not making anybody happy
except for their bosses who are cracking the
whip in a numbers game. We get to play music,
and we get to make people happy and give
them joy. Especially if it’s praise music, which
You might find yourself in a band in a
That’s what I really uncomfortable situation with a really
think we’ll do still be a light. Don’t put a big blanket over your
in heaven… is
be thankful,
uncomfortable group of people, but you can
lamp, let your light shine. You don’t have to
be preachy, that can be the thing in the music
business that will help you to never get a gig. If
you’re a preachy drummer and you’re in a band
preaching to people all the time, you’re going to
get fired really quick.
But if people can see how you live by example,
worship songs
to God for all
“Why is this person so happy? I know he’s a
Christian, maybe that has something to do
with it?” That’s way more powerful than trying
to be a guy who is preaching to people and
telling people what they should and should not
be doing all the time. I think it’s important to
of eternity!
not complain about things. “How come I don’t
So, what could
have the room with the putting green and the
bowling alley? How come I’m not first class?”
Just be thankful that by the grace of God you’re
getting paid anything to play the drums. You’re
be better
doing what you love doing and you’re getting
than being a
paid for it. And even if you’re not getting paid
for it, just try to not be a complainer, because
complainers don’t last in church, or on tour, or
in bands of any kind. Try to treat other people
(not the way they treat you) but the way you
is the most important kind of music where wish they would treat you. In short, just go out
you are giving thanks. There is nothing more and make a joyful noise!
important than being thankful for everything we
have, not just at Thanksgiving, but every single with my brother, The Mustard Seeds. Don’t
minute of every day. That’s what I think we’ll be afraid to pray to be in musical situations.
do in heaven… is be thankful, singing worship God wants you to talk to Him all the time, He
songs to God for all of eternity! So, what could wants a relationship with you. He wants you to
June 2019
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