Worship Musician June 2019 - Jonathan Cain | Page 170
promo band that did all the late night shows church. It broke my Catholic grandmothers right, and all of these hate groups, but we’re all
when Ringo would do an album) and then that heart. So, they said they were going to meet God’s people, and all you can do is try to love
I would get to play with Ringo in his All-Star in the middle... thanks to Martin Luther, who everybody.
Band in 2008, I would have thought you were nailed his 95 Theses to the door, we became
kidding. He’s a dear friend, he helps me with so Lutheran and I was raised Lutheran [WM] Do you get a chance to play in any
many things. Not just how to play great drums
worship settings?
in a pop rock group, but how to eat right. How I teach at Cal Lutheran and my daughter is to exercise, how to stay healthy. How to try to going to Cal Lutheran as a Vocal Music major. [Gregg] Yeah, I play sometimes at Calvary,
stay alive for my kids and live to be a hundred But I don’t think of us as any denomination. my church where I go. I prefer to be in the seats
someday, that’s my goal. Even to say “Christian” in 2019 with so many with my son and daughter, singing worship
whacko’s around, whacky ministers that use music and being with my family. When you’re
[WM] So you were a Christian from a the name to do a lot of crazy things. I would in the worship band you’re there at five in the
young age? prefer to call myself a follower of Jesus, to morning and you’re rehearsing and I kind of
me that sums it up. I have a dear friend, would prefer to be out there with my kids. I used
[Gregg] I don’t remember ever not being a John Snyder (he is a pastor over in Germany to play at another church in the San Fernando
Christian. We went to a Lutheran church, my planting churches) and that’s a line from him. Valley, another Lutheran church where I went
Dad was Catholic, my Mom was Methodist. My He just said, “I am a follower of Jesus”. Where sometimes. I love playing at church and it’s
Dad was excommunicated from the Catholic I go to church, Cavalry Community Church in great, but at this point in my life, I’d rather be in
church because he wanted his best friend to Westlake Village, CA, our theme at that church the seats singing worship music with my kids.
be his best man at his wedding and he wasn’t is “Live and love like Jesus”, and what could
Catholic… he was Armenian Orthodox and be more important? None of us could do [WM] What advice do you have for fellow
they said no you can’t do that. So, he got it, but what a goal to try to live and love like drummers?
married in a Methodist church by my mom’s Jesus. And it’s hard to love everybody in 2019. uncle who was a Methodist minister and they You’ve got people just wiping people out with [Gregg] I would say, especially when you walk
said he was excommunicated from the Catholic shootings and terrorist stuff going on left and in to play at church, or when you walk into any
June 2019
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