of God. This song and this message feels like
a "for such a time as this" moment.
[WM] We love your heart for discipling kids
in worship and training other worship leaders.
Share how your new Little Praise Party: Ready
Set Go does that.
[Yancy] Yes, I spend my days thinking about
the church at large and how we can help
raise our kids to understand worship. I’ve
been thinking about Hosea 4:6 that says, “My
people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”.
There’s a lot of people in our churches that
don’t understand the importance of worship.
Talking about the what, why, where, when and
how of worship. Every time you lead giving
them nuggets to help them understand what
worship is and how they can join in. I want to
help churches think that through at every stage
and successfully lead others in worship.
Something that’s new in this resource is that
in addition to Motion Tutorials for each song
I did some worship leader training tip videos.
A few are general things but for each song I
give you specific ideas of how to lead that song
with your kids. There’s not much out there at
all to train kid’s worship leaders so I think these
videos will be a huge help and the leaders can
take those ideas and apply them to other songs
they lead as well.
[WM] Thank you for your time with us here…
any parting thoughts?
[Yancy] What you do isn’t just about today.
And it’s not all about making Sunday happen.
It’s about the future of our children. Worship is a
pathway to encounter God. Let’s raise disciples
that know how to run the path to the Father in
July 2020
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