normal day to day life.
But there is something very sharpening about are really helping so many other worship leaders
someone who sees things different, who solves find their way to the place of praise. I just love
One of my huge privileges the last couple years things different, who finds a different way to get that, I love the diversity, there is something to be
has been writing with folks like Pastor Cobbs- into or out of a song. That can be so inspiring. learned everywhere you go. It’s just fascinating
Leonard and Travis Greene. I feel God probably
to me that the best way to learn songwriting is
smiles on that, when you actually make an I had a wonderful moment a few weeks ago effort to reach out beyond your normal, and for where I started the day songwriting with the sake of unity, for the sake of the kingdom Elevation and Pastor Steven Furtick and his Even someone who might be on such a
of God, you make that effort. Sometimes you team in Charlotte, then in the afternoon I flew different musical page than you, you’ll pick up
have to make more effort, but what can happen to Nashville and that night I was on stage with one or two things, like maybe the way they
is so beautiful because sometimes the very Keith Getty and Kristyn Getty and their Sing found their way around a problem, or how they
best songs get written when you take two or Conference with seven thousand worship initiated a song, or solved a melodic puzzle. It’s
three people with very different approaches. leaders and musicians from a totally different really interesting to me, it’s such a fascinating
Sometimes if I’m sitting in a room with someone expression of church and music. I just felt so thing, songwriting. If you were to put three
who came out of the exact same stable I came grateful and so privileged that on the very same mathematicians in a room, or accountants, and
out of, they learned from the same people and day I could get to be in two wonderfully different they’ve got to figure out some math sums or
the same environments… you can get there. expressions of church. Two environments that something, there might be one or two ways to
January 2019
to co-write.
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