in that way because we’re trying to speak to it’s just so important that we remind ourselves loves it too. I think God loves teams, you know,
people and leap to somewhere that relates to and our worship teams that what we’re doing Jesus sending the disciples out in twos. There
where they’re at in terms of cultural references. isn’t that. And we need to take our cues from are not many things in scripture, in the kingdom
But we have to remember, the musicians on what happens in scripture, in the temple, or of God, that you manage on your own. The
the worship team have to remember, that what tabernacle, or a New Testament Church, or lone ranger thing can get lonely, but also it
we’re doing is radically different. It’s so much in those glimpses of the throne that we talked cannot be as productive. For me, the key to
more than that, this is the people of God, in about. so much of what I’ve done was co-writing and
the presence of God, pouring out the praise of
collaboration. You mentioned Chris Tomlin,
[WM] Unlike Hillsong or Elevation Worship, we’ve been writing together for seventeen
you’re not associated with a church movement years. Jonas Myrin and I have been writing
We don’t just come to a stage in a room, we per se. But in looking at your songwriting credits together for over a decade. To be honest, I
come to that throne where God is most high. on CCLI, the names Ed Cash, Chris Tomlin, and find that to be one of the great privileges of my
You greet him with authority and power and Jonas Myrin come up again and again. These life that I get to write songs with some people
we’re coming to go, in Jesus, and with Jesus, have been some pretty fruitful relationships. A that I’m really inspired by. There are also so
and through Jesus… and in the power of the growing focus at the magazine is how to make many movements and streams of the church.
Holy Spirit into the Father. So, what we’re a living as a worship musician, so with that in I worked the last couple days with Vertical
getting ourselves caught up in is a mystery too mind, what are your thoughts on establishing Worship, I’ve recently been songwriting again
great for words, and it is far more spiritual than and cultivating relationships with people who with Elevation, obviously I have a long history
it is physical. Yes, there are sound waves and don’t necessarily attend your home church? with Passion and those guys, and I’ve even
sound vibrations flying around, yes there is a
band there and they’ve got instruments, but
been getting to write with Expressions and
[Matt] I love collaboration, and I think God
January 2019
streams of the church that are outside of my
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