Our God?” I just thought that was crazy, in fact thing and all these people serving their local But when it comes to the lyrical side and the
me and Chris Tomlin, this is what we prayed churches. I don’t know exactly what songs I’m value of content and depth of revelation, we’re
about fifteen years ago, that our songs would going to lead, or all of the details yet, but I know not doing very well at it. I think if you asked a
be helpful in the church but would find their my emphasis will be on reverence. I just think hundred pastors, or theologians, or teachers,
way outside of the walls of a church and bring in these days everything else in our culture is they’d probably all say the same thing. Yes,
the worship of God there. But it’s interesting, going in the opposite direction. There is a lack the music feels relevant to today’s culture, but
you just can’t quite put your finger on why of reverence, and a lack of wonder, and respect. do our songs really match up with what we’re
that song… and it’s beautiful when you see it But when it comes to the worship of God that reading in scripture? Are we portraying God as
happen. has to be in the mix, there isn’t really worship well as we can in terms of every aspect of His
if there isn’t reverence. You can just admire nature and character, in terms of even using His
[WM] You’re going to be part of the 2019 God… or adore Him… or applaud Him… there names? So often you get through a worship
Worship Together conference. What is on has to be a sense of God being higher than any song that hasn’t even named Him once. And
your heart that you’re excited to share at that other, bowing before who He is. I’ve been guilty of that too by accident on
occasions. And that’s crazy to me, His names
I feel like there has been a lot of progression
are such an important part.
[Matt] When I get to hang out with loads of and different creative expressions, and a lot other worship musicians, it is always my favorite of hope when it comes to the musical side of I don’t know exactly where I’m going to
thing honestly. With something like Worship worship. The production values, people taking end up in terms of what I’ll deliver at the
Together, I always really look forward to it songwriting seriously, people taking creative conference, but I know the emphasis will be
because I just love being in that environment arrangements seriously. on reverence.
surrounded by other people doing the same
January 2019
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