But we must guard against trying to manipulate
seem to find their way out.
It’s happened for me with “Ten Thousand
something happening or trying to force our
Reasons”, for example. Soon after writing it
songs on someone and elbow our way into My friend Tim Hughes, he wrote “Here I Am I was getting videos of it being sung all over,
some kind of environment. In life and in ministry to Worship” all those years ago. We were in from the back streets of Mumbai, India or
your posture has got to be something that this little church in Watford and I was the first someone sending me a version from South
God wants to smile on. If you’re going to be person ever to hear that song, and then I saw Africa, or a version translated into Mandarin.
proud and arrogant and pushy about it, I think it just fly around the world like crazy. It literally It’s amazing where these songs can go with
it’s unlikely that He is going to want to smile just went global so quick. I thought, there is no the breath of God. And it is so hard to define,
on that. So, it’s an interesting thing where if publisher that could achieve that. You could do there is definitely no formula for it. You can’t
you can have faith that He is going to give you a world tour and make that the title of the tour even figure out with these songs why they’re
a song, and help you write a song, then you and everything centered on that, and it wouldn’t so special. “How Great is Our God?”, there is
should also have faith that He knows how to achieve that. That is the breath of God. That is nothing progressive about that song, nothing
give that song momentum if He wants to. God smiling on something. He has obviously crazily creative about it. It’s got some solid truth
given you a very special song here, and He has in it, but a lot of other songs have that. It’s very
I’ve met so many people who are so aggressive given it wings. When you see it happen like that sing-able, but a lot of other songs are sing-
about trying to get their songs into certain it is a very beautiful thing. “How Great is Our able. What is it? It’s very hard to define what
environments, and I feel like that’s not really the God” by Chris Tomlin, recently “Reckless Love” made that song fly around the world and be
way to go about it. That’s not really a posture by Cory Asbury, you know it’s amazing when such a helpful and inspiring song to people. I
that God is going to smile on. And ultimately, you see such inspired songs that find their way was at the Grammys a few years ago, and the
to be honest, if the song is good enough it will so deeply into people’s hearts and they travel second to last song of the night Chance the
probably find it’s way in there anyway. Songs so far around the world. Rapper gets up and he’s doing “How Great is
January 2019
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