Worship Musician January 2018 | Page 22

VOCALS [ WHAT IF I’M SICK? | Sheri Gould ] The winter season is upon us, and that often exposed, I ended up putting her in a dangerous much faster rate. Coughing and clearing your means cold and flu season. Getting sick is a position because her immune system was throat can be VERY distressing to the cords; pain in the neck for anyone, but especially for compromised when she got her shot. She got in fact, it’s possible to make your cords bleed us as singers. Most everyone who gets sick, the worst of both worlds. after even one harsh throat clearing! that they should probably not sing. But is this I frequently think of that experience when I think So, at this point I would suggest that if you are always true? Let’s start with the basics… of how thoughtless people can sometimes suffering vocally still but are otherwise feeling especially with pain in their throat, has a sense be with regard to protecting themselves and better, it would be fine to attend and serve in REALLY SICK those around them. It’s one thing if you feel like your usual function as long as you don’t sing. If you have a fever, have been diagnosed you can muscle through, but it’s another thing Don’t laugh - haha. I’m serious, because there with strep throat, or are coughing or sneezing altogether to make that choice for someone are many things you CAN do to lead and be regularly, PLEASE STAY HOME. Your church else. If you feel a sickness coming on: PLEASE involved. Just don’t get on mic. If you insist on will survive without you. Moreover, if you really STAY HOME. singing (which I don’t recommend) please take care about your local Body of Christ, you need these precautions. to keep your germs and sickness away from • them. You are not doing anyone ANY favors by showing up to sing, as if the world is depending on you. It’s so easy for us to overestimate how important our role is. We need to stop, step back, and look at the overall grand scheme of things. Yes, what you do is very valuable and important, but the service WILL go on without you. It may be different; you will certainly be missed, and you will miss it too, but we need to be reasonable and caring with regard to our Yes, what you do is very valuable and important, but the service WILL go on without you. Get a good night’s sleep, and rest as much as you can between sets/rehearsing. • Limit your talking to only the absolute necessary. (not at all if possible) • Warm-up very gently, but thoroughly, and then rest until you have to sing. • Don’t try for any susperstar moves; keep it simple and mid range. • Limit your actual singing as much as possible, especially during rehearsal, hum instead when possible. brothers and sisters. So, please take care of For more tips on hydration and other vocal yourself and others around you. GETTING OVER BEING SICK helps, see last month’s article on “Winter SORTA SICK Once the fever has passed and you’re no Blues”. Are you just getting sick? Not sure if you’re longer contagious but you still feel a bit under REALLY sick just yet? Many contagious the weather, should you sing? The short answer THE LAST WORD diseases are spread at just this point. We are is no. It would likely always be better for you to I know that so many of you serve your local often contagious long before we know it. I will stay home and rest. However, I would look more churches selflessly week in and week out. You never forget an experience I had when my deeply into what your issues actually are before do this out of love and commitment to the Lord daughter Karinne was about 18 months old. pronouncing a firm prognosis. Did you cough Jesus and His Body. Thank you so much for Three of my kids (including Karinne) attended a lot during your illness? Did you experience a your service. You are appreciated. Please take a birthday party. Sometime shortly afterward, sore throat of some kind? Did you clear your care of you. The Body of Christ needs you to Karinne went in for her regular vaccinations, throat often, even to the point of rawness? Is keep on singing for a lifetime, and you CAN! including a measles shot. Unbeknownst to me, your voice hoarse, or still sore? These things But you need to take care of yourself and your she had been exposed to chickenpox at that can help to determine what further damage you voice. God bless you as you serve Him. birthday party. Within 36 hours she broke out might do to your vocal cords if you go on to sing in BOTH the measles AND the chickenpox. while not yet recovered. Singing on damaged Inadvertently, by not realizing she had been cords will make the damage worse, and at a 22 January 2018 Sheri Gould Internationally acclaimed vocal coach with a degree from U of Illinois. Coaching since ‘79 and leading worship since ‘85. www.SheriGould.com WorshipMusician.com