Worship Musician January 2018 | Page 21

was. I’ve spent the last twenty years leading to be great, we absolutely do, and we bring [Alex] If they are in Nashville, they are welcome worship, not preaching. We believe in raising our best. But I think people confuse excellence to come. If they are out of town, just stream in. up a team. Alex and I both preach on a regular for perfection. basis, and we have other members of our team [WM] Are all denominations welcome? preach as well. We’re not a church built around [Alex] Because Henry has been a worship one speaker. That is not our vibe. Different leader his whole life, the way this started in [Alex] Yes, of course. And all non-believers people carry different elements of the ministry the basement was very pure. He’s been able are welcome too. gifts in their lives. Some are teachers, Pastors, to develop a team that flows and leads by or apostles within the church. example. We would bring all the leaders to our The Belonging Co has carved out a unique house and minister to their hearts. The bible niche in the church community of Nashville [WM] How do you balance the message and says that out of the heart flow the issues of life, thanks to the leadership of Henry and Alex the music? so we need to guard it. You can be gifted as Seeley. The recently released album All the the best singer or musician in the world, but Earth is sold everywhere music is available and [Henry] I believe music and message, word these issues of the heart impact your authority can be purchased as the full album or individual and worship, are tied together. Even the way to lead. That’s why you can have two people songs. If you would like to visit the church we run service, it is just one big flow. We sing a song, and one person it resonates and online, their website is www.thebelonging.co invest into the lives of our worship team and another person it doesn’t. We don’t see worship where they provide conferences, news, a store, have released them with the understanding as a filler, we see it as a softening of hearts so and tbco.tv. Sometimes the expectation is that that they are leaders in the church. They carry that when the word is preached we’ve created we expect people to come to the church to find a weight and a responsibility in the life of our an atmosphere for the seed to be planted and the message, but in this case the message church as much as someone who is preaching. produce its fruit. We have had people physically went to find the flock at a time and place that fit We don’t just pull people up on stage that are healed in worship, being rid of anxiety and fear. their lives. We all want to feel that we belong in talented. We want people that understand the It’s incredible what happens in worship. There the grace of God. What better way to do it than weight and authority of what it means to lead should be less of us and more of God, so we try in the company of others seeking the same? people into the presence of God, and we take and get out of the way and give the Holy Spirit The Belonging Co may be the first of a new that seriously. Sometimes we mistake talent room to move. breed of church that doesn’t fit what was once for authority. It’s easy to slip into the mode considered the norm, but has found followers of, “Here’s the run sheet, and here’s the song [WM] If some of our readers would like to list,” and the goal becomes giving a great become members of The Belonging Co, what presentation. It’s not that we don’t want church do you recommend? January 2018 that no one else knew were there. Eric Dahl Host of the FOX 17 Rock & Review show in Nashville, TN. The program features new + cool gear that favorite artists are using or that is new to the market! WorshipMusician.com 21