Worship Musician February 2020 | Page 34

photo by Lee Steffen is a fantastic image that brilliantly portrays the Old Testament, and indeed of the early Church? the whole record- even in the song titles expansiveness of God’s creation from the earth It can’t be an option add-on, or a luxury feature themselves (“The Same Jesus”, “Jesus Your itself, down to a small fingerprint, and the use of our worship when we can get around to it. Name”, “King Jesus”, etc). I’m not exactly sure of synth pads throughout reminds me of the Reverence, awe and wonder always have to be why, but maybe there’s a call in these days to drone organum in early church music. Please somewhere in the mix – because of the very make sure we never get generic and just have tell us about this project overall, and then we’ll nature of the One it is we’re singing to. And it’s everything sit under the umbrella of the word dive into some of the songs individually. probably going to happen both by perspiration “God”. Maybe it’s important in this culture that and impartation. By this I mean some of this we also go more specific and turn up the name [Matt] I’d carried the title ‘Let There Be we can recover by our own efforts - by biblical of “Jesus” as high as we can in the mix. Wonder’ for a little while – thinking it was just thinking and writing and giving our very best to a song title, but of course it became the title describing God well in our songs. But there’s [WM] Wonder is an element of life that I’m also of the whole project. I sometimes get worried another part that God Himself must impart to concerned about being lost. I was discussing I keep harping on about this same theme – us – so we cry for deep encounter with Him and this with my son not long ago. Anticipation, but to me it’s still the huge challenge for the that in His grace He will reveal a stronger sense coupled with wonder, is a treasure that many singing, worshipping Church in these days. of His holiness to us. So ‘Let There Be Wonder’ fondly remember from their childhood. A new Things have gotten more relevant and creative is both a statement of declaration and a prayer Disney movie. The circus coming to town. A and people have put so much wonderful effort of intercession. planned visit to the zoo or an important event. into musicality and songwriting, and production The wait involved. But with the advent of the levels have risen and risen – but where is the One of the interesting things on this record internet, constant promotional attempts and wonder? Where is the sense of being knocked is how much the name of “Jesus” kept research capabilities that allow us to know off our feet by encountering glory? Where coming to the fore. I know that sounds like an information in advance, there’s often not much is that deep, holy reverence that was such a obvious thing, but even more than usual this left to the imagination when the “big moment” distinguishing factor of the people of God in the time around it’s like a thread running through arrives. You’re proclaiming, “Let there be 34 February 2020 Subscribe for Free...