Matthew (Matt) Redman is perhaps the most pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a
influential form of godliness but denying its power.”
songwriter of our time. A winner of two
UK during that time?
[Matt] Wow, that’s a long time ago, ha! First
Grammys and 13 GMA Dove Awards, his I’m not pointing the finger anywhere. I’m just off, I have to say that it’s a bit too easy to get
songs have been covered by many artists, and trying to highlight how absolutely vital it is that into pure nostalgia mode – and for sure they
his on-demand music streams are currently in the worshipping Church we think about were some wonderfully exciting days – but it’s
over half-a-billion listens! He’s written 8 these things and spur each other on to do also important for me to say there was stuff that
books and helped to plant three churches. A our absolute best in this area. Sometimes our had much room for improvement too!
consistent characteristic with Matt’s songs is hearts are in the right place, but perhaps that that his lyrics are drawn from a deeper lyrical on its own isn’t enough. Our minds need to be But having said that, there were some really
pool. I was recently privileged to query Matt on in the right place too – a worship that digests glorious times. I still think of something like
his perspectives related to worship, life, and the revelation of Jesus as conveyed in scripture the day we had a big worship event (1997) at
his new album release, Let There Be Wonder. and then contends with all it has to see Him Wembley Stadium in London – and it was the
Thank you, Matt! displayed as gloriously as we possibly can in most organic, natural moment – it didn’t feel
our songs and services. hyped up or commercialized – it just felt like the
[WM] I believe we met back in 1997. It was
worshipping Church in a bigger room for the
at a worship conference in Southport, UK, just So going back to your original question – back day. I love that. A stadium full of people and it
north of Liverpool. I will never forget that event. in that room a couple of decades ago, we wasn’t about names or selling records or who
You and Darlene Zschech led worship before didn’t have everything right by any means – but was the headliner. The songs you mentioned
a crowd of hundreds anticipating an encounter in many ways it was a simpler time – there was all came out a youth movement, Soul Survivor,
with God. So much of this “new” worship less commercialism around worship music, and it was so special to see God raising up
music was so very different from what I had less chance to build a platform for yourself – tens of thousands of young people in the UK
been accustomed to hearing and working with, and just a sense of an uncomplicated pursuit with a brand-new soundtrack, and with such a
for many years. It was much more than simply of Jesus which we’d do well to reclaim today. passion to speak to God through music. Again
singing songs. There truly was an element of At the end of the day, however loud we shout, what I loved about that movement is it didn’t
being “undone”, as you sing in one of your new however low we bow, however vibey the lighting feel strategized or like a commercialized brand
songs. What do you think the distinctives are is or however creative the arrangements are, a – it was just God breathing on some events,
for real and true worship? What should aspiring sense of holy and reverent awe needs to touch which turned into a movement – and truth
and practicing worship songwriters never everything we do. be told none of us on the inside really had a
forget in pursuing their craft?
clue what we were doing – we couldn’t have
[WM] Through the years you have consistently put together a marketing plan if our lives had
[Matt Redman] One of the crucial things is brought songs “down the mountain” for the depended on it! Like I say, it wasn’t all perfect
trying to make sure that, as much as possible, worshiping church. I’m sometimes concerned – but there is something beautiful about seeing
the songs we’re singing match up with the way that younger worship leaders might not be God move and knowing that the sum is greater
we see God portrayed in scripture. And that aware of your early work in their pursuit of than all the parts. The amount of momentum or
the way we approach Him in our worship is as “what’s new”. Songs like, “There Is a Louder success or whatever you want to call it couldn’t
close as we can to the patterns of how people Shout to Come”, “Undignified”, and “The be explained by just adding up all the various
approached Him in scripture. When we get this Father’s Song”, should always be remembered. factors – there was something way beyond
right, so much of the rest of it starts to fall into What can you tell us about God’s voice in your that going on. It can be the same with a song
place. Get this wrong, and we’re in trouble. In life during those St. Andrews Chorleywood and sometime – some of these wonderful songs that
the worst-case scenario that looks like singing Soul Survivor years, and the move of God in the get wings and fly all over the world are a little
to One who sounds nothing like the God we hard to explain. Yes, the melody is nice, and the
encounter in the Bible and putting all of our words are helpful – but there’s something much
energy into pushing the boundaries of coolness more than that sometimes – it’s like somehow
or creativeness while not attending to the actual the sum is greater than all the parts.
content of what we’re delivering or singing. It
reminds me a bit of 2 Timothy chapter 3, [WM] Let There Be Wonder is your new
verses 4 and 5 – that, just maybe, some of release. It’s a full 14-track project and your
our services start to look like we’re “lovers of
Wembley Stadium in 1997
February 2020
first distributed by Integrity Music. The cover
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