Worship Musician February 2020 | Page 18

Passion Conferences / Passion 2020 Kristian Stanfill of Passion — Photographer: Austin Bell the quote, but “wonder leads to worship”, and we do”? I would start with asking the question this infinite God, and maybe even realize He is I think probably the other way around as well. what kind of God are you putting on display mysterious and even greater than their ability to Worship does lead to wonder. We have got to for these people? It is possible that they can’t grasp or even understand. So let’s continue to make sure that were not just offering people our see God, that’s a historical problem even back put the gospel in front of them. Let’s not forget songs, and our ideas, and our skill and ability, when people were looking right at Jesus and that we want to lead people up Mount Calvary we have got to cast a picture for people of who He was. But I think oftentimes the church every single Sunday. It’s not just a “once in a who God is, and that starts with a revelation is offering too little a picture of who God is and few weeks” kind of thing, but somewhere in this of Him through creation and more specifically we dumb it down so far that people think that worship journey every single week, we want to through His Word, and even more specifically we’re singing songs to someone who’s like us. lead our people up Mount Calvary because through Jesus. I think it’s leading people to see, that is the most awe-inspiring place of all, and because you have to see before you think. And We’ve got to re-cast that image of God, not to think of what this Creator made for us. So, what you see determines how you worship. made in the image of man but of man-made in I love how the heavens do that. I’m with you the image of God, and let people stand and see and I hope there is a planetarium tour one day If we’re putting a little tiny God in front of people, (laughs). But we can bring some of that into our that’s what we’re going to get in worship. I experience every single time we gather, and always say to the worship leader who asks me I think at the end of the day that is the kind why people aren’t really worshipping at the level of worship God is worthy of and the kind of they want them to be, because there’s not the worship that we want our churches to be filled energy and excitement and the anticipation, with. and people are just standing there with their hands in their pockets. They ask me, “What do [WM] Your recent book, Not Forsaken, Indescribable Tour 18 February 2020 Subscribe for Free...