Speaker. What we said then and what are saying today
Songwriter. is that worship can’t be just Sunday to Sunday.
Label It doesn’t work that way because it has to be
Founder. Conference Host. Advisor. Industry an “every breath” kind of thing. It has to be an
Confidant. Visionary. Over the past three everyday life response to who God is and that’s
decades, Louie has pastored both college the kind of music that we wanted to make. But
students and creatives, and has consistently
allowed God to work through him in making
a huge impact. Along with his wife Shelley,
even more, it was the attitude we wanted to
Passion 2021 | Jan 1-2, 2021
carry. I’ll never forget that night. There were
because of the significance of the holiness of
Kingdom of God. the ark and the covenant. They were getting
His recent Passion 2020 Conference hosted the Philistines had, trying to help stabilize it,
it wrong every time, putting it on a cart like
over 65,000 students, representing over 80
countries in attendance at Atlanta’s Mercedes-
Benz Stadium. All of this in addition to his
weekly pastoral duties overseeing the multi-
Passion 2021 will be located in both Atlanta and
people were dying. Then finally David sought
the priest, and the priest said, “Hey, the way
this is supposed to happen is that the ark is
supposed to be carried on these poles, and
they slide through the rings on each side.” Like,
oh, that’s why God said that”. And it’s a good
New York City.
a lot of industry people from Nashville, and
in a human way we were trying to catch their
attention and say, “Hey there’s something
new going on!” but in the middle of it all we
just paused, and broke bread, and lifted up the
cup of Jesus and remembered the sacrifice
He made. I think Peter York was on the other
side serving communion, I was on one side,
and it was just a powerful time, and like you, a
moment I’ll never forget.
[WM] The Psalmist David wrote to the director
of music (Psalm 8), “O L ord , our Lord, how
[WM] Louie, we first met about 20 years ago
here in Nashville. You made a first and lasting
impression on me because you served me
communion at an EMI Christian Music Group
sales conference, following the explanation
of the Biblical significance behind your new
record label’s name, sixstepsecords. Please
tell our readers the backstory behind the label
“Doing things
God’s way never
excellent is your name in all the earth! You
have set your glory above the heavens”, and
“When I consider your heavens, the work of
your fingers, the moon and the stars, which
you have ordained; What is man, that you are
goes out of
mindful of them? Human beings that you care
for them”? I must admit that I was captivated by
your Indescribable and How Great Is Our God
that Crowder, Passion — led by Kristian Stanfill, talks a decade ago and hoped that you might
Brett Younker, and Melodie Malone, and Sean do a “planetarium tour” someday. Why should
Curran, whom I interviewed in the July 2019 worship leaders and team members prioritize
issue of Worship Musician, all call home.
reminder, even today, that doing things God’s the wonder of God and His creation in their
way never goes out of style. So they put the lives?
[Louie Giglio] Thanks for bringing me back ark on the poles and they got ready to carry to that moment, because I think when you have it the many miles journey back to Jerusalem. [Louie] I think I’m pretty captivated by those
a label launch it’s not very common that you Obviously, the guys carrying it didn’t know if messages as well, not because it’s something
can have communion in the mix. I think what they were going to make it one inch because I had a part of, but because they do set the
we wanted to say that night is what we want of what had happened to all of the other people grandeur and the wonder of God in front of
to say now, and that is that worship is for the who had tried to move the ark. The scripture us. I would rephrase the question a tad bit,
Lord, and it really is about meeting Him and tells us that they took six steps, then they set and it’s the opposite. Why should we leaders
encountering Him in a powerful way. the ark down and built an altar and offered a prioritize wonder? I would say that there is no
sacrifice of praise and worship to God because worship without wonder. It’s the wonder of God
The story behind the label that we shared that they had experienced his grace as they were that leads us to worship, and that’s why the
night, and I still love that it’s the banner over transporting His holiness, and that is a powerful Psalmist wrote, “The heavens are the glory of
all of our music and the artists that we still picture. A lot of theologians believe every six God.” So everything God has made is declaring
are shepherding here, is the story of David steps back to Jerusalem on that many miles His praise, and everything God has made is
bringing the ark (the Ark of the Covenant) back journey they stopped and put the ark down and declaring how great He is. I think that in seeing
to Jerusalem. That was a very perilous journey built an altar and made a sacrifice to God. that, it unlocks the door. I don’t know who said
February 2020
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