Worship Musician February 2020 | Page 46

that same kind of thing, maybe call it something something really beautiful. drum and the bass playing together, and some different, but verbatim scriptures that address of the basics that I learned in music school and certain topics. So, we thought, let’s start with [WM] He really did! Anything further on in my experience where I felt like worship bands fear and anxiety, scriptures that address fear “passing the baton”? were struggling, I thought maybe I could speak and anxiety, because our culture and many of into that and encourage people. Right around us personally deal with those things emotionally. [Paul] It’s funny how when you look back that time the internet was just starting to pop We thought, let’s find scriptures that address it’s just something that felt natural. I started up, and then there was a chance to make those things and let’s make a whole album that teaching at YWAM schools once in a while on these things available. They went to Singapore, people can just play in the background and worship or guitar, and I was just beginning to and India, and South Africa, it would blow our just fill their home with God’s Word and God’s do that, and when I would leave that scenario I minds that people were hungry for knowledge peace. would leave that group I would say, “I wish I had and encouragement and inspiration, for how a VHS tape to say… if I could spend a week they could be more effective at leading others So I put it out to a few different writers, with you I would say this, there is so much in worship. including my son, and when the songs came more I want to say and encourage you with.” back from everyone, his were just so unique So I finally thought, why not make a VHS? So, I To tie it up it really goes back to Paul and and so different than all of the others, including didn’t know what I was doing, just got a couple Timothy, the relationship that they had. Paul mine, to the point where I said, long story short, of camera guys and we did Guitar Volume One, said to Timothy, “Hey, the things that I’ve “I think this needs to be something that you Guitar Volume Two, Praise and Worship Guitar taught you I want you to turn around and teach do. I’m just going to pull my songs off and tell Volume One and Volume Two. And then it was to others.” I’m paraphrasing, but I think that all everyone else thanks, and you just need to run like, “Why don’t we do one on a worship band of us need to have that spirit, that people have with this sound that you have in your head.” So workshop and talk about how a band can play poured into us in our life and so we should turn he finished that project and I felt like he created better?” If you’re aware of things like the kick around in our local church or whatever circle 46 February 2020 Subscribe for Free...