I’m going to be a pastor so it’ll be a small little five seconds we get. The only time I have to life and leverage that life in a significant way.
church on the hillside, and that’s what I’ll do. My worship God is right now. I am going to worship So to a young dreamer, young leader, young
mind doesn’t work that way, and I don’t think Him in heaven, but not in the same way that I musician, I would say figure out what your gift
I’m wired that way. So, I’m going to start over, am right now. I only have one life to serve Him, is and then go after Jesus, not the gift. Hone
erase the board, follow God, and whatever that one life to make Him famous, one life to save the craft, but fall in love with Jesus. Sharpen
looks like I’m going to be pretty happy with. somebody, one life to serve my generation. So your skill, but keep falling in love with Jesus,
for me that means waking up and going, “I don’t and don’t settle for anything less than what you
You only get one life, that’s what I would say to want any limits, I don’t want anybody telling me want your life to be known for when the five
every young dreamer. Don’t look at what I’ve what I can’t do, I want God pointing me in the seconds that you get on planet earth are over.
done. Don’t look at what anyone has done. direction of what I can do and I’m not going to Don’t look across the way and say, that pastor take no for an answer until it’s the last answer”. [WM] Louie, it has been a delight and honor
did this, or that leader does that, or that person When we say we’re going to host a New Year’s to visit with you. I will encourage readers to
has these gifts. Figure out what gifts God has gathering at Mercedes Benz Stadium and a lot earnestly support you in prayer throughout this
given you. And once you figure that out, make of “no’s” follow, then we’re going to transport year. Thank you so much for this time.
sure you take those gifts up with a spirit that a flame all the way from Jerusalem all the way says, I get one shot at this, there is no rehearsal, to the stadium to usher in a new decade, or and this is not a prelude to something. This is whatever else it is that we feel like is going to be my one life. And it’s going to last, when you put the thing that people remember forever.
it into the span of eternity, about five seconds.
So I want to make sure my five-second life, I’m very likely to be the last guy standing to take
and Shelley and I together want to make sure no for an answer, because we’ve got just one
that our five-second lives matter. It’s the only life and surely we can figure out how to use that
February 2020
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