Passion Conferences / Passion 2020
Sean Curran —Photographer: Nolan Knight
watched each other and made comments and happening twenty years ago, thirty years ago, the wearing of so many hats, and what advice
evaluations on how good they were or how bad and will probably be happening with twenty- do you offer young dreamers just starting out
they were in real time. Bullying didn’t really exist something’s twenty years from now. It’s just in ministry?
except for that one kid in the neighborhood, that the landscape that they are navigating all and if you could find three other kids you could of those issues on is drastically different. The [Louie] There are some people that would
beat that kid up. So, it’s a different world. With conversations are a little different, and the say wearing a lot of hats is a bad idea, that
the anxiety levels and the depression, I think we realities are a little different, but at the end of you’ve got to find your hat and wear it well.
can’t ignore that fact that they are at an all-time the day twenty-something’s want significance But for me, I have an entrepreneurial heart,
high. Suicide is peaking out at an all-time high. and I think that’s where we ultimately have the and I didn’t set out to be doing all of the things
The world is different, so I would say yes, the upper hand to say that life is about success or that I’m doing right now. I was thinking more
issues that all of us are facing are different. significance, sometimes it can be about both. about being a professional tennis player. God
But to help people see what significance looks changed all of that around, He obviously gave
I think at the heart of it, twenty-year-olds are the like and how to aim their lives toward that is me some gifts to speak and I pursued those
same. They are trying to figure out life. That’s something that Jesus is very good at. gifts. I didn’t know that was going to lead to a
what I was doing at twenty. They’re trying to
conference movement, or being a songwriter,
decide what path God wants them to be on. [WM] You live in a very big world. By that I or starting a record label, or becoming an
They’re trying to stand on their own two feet mean you have not limited your giftings to author or anything else. I certainly didn’t see
and make a way for themselves that isn’t one any single cause for Christ. You’re not only being a pastor at sixty-one with the local church
hundred percent dependent on support from a pastor, but also an author, public speaker, movement happening. I just tried to say “yes”
their parents or someone else, and they are record company leader, songwriter, conference every time God opened a door, but I do that
trying to come to terms with what they actually and tour host, and many other expressions. with an entrepreneurial heart which means it’s
believe about life. I think those things were What truths has the Lord taught you about never for me going to be a straight line path of,
February 2020
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