the songs “King of Glory” and “There’s Nothing just a declaration of that very simple reality
That Our God Can’t Do” were introduced. What that it doesn’t matter what we’re trusting or
can you tell us about these songs? believing Him for, He is a God who is able. It’s
just a beautiful anthemic mid-tempo song that
[Louie] I can tell you for one, they are amazing I believe every church in America can sing,
songs, and they were born out of a long and that’s something that I always encourage
laborious process. Our guys are so committed
Alex, to the process of seeking the Lord and
our guys around. We’re writing songs not just
King of Glory
for Passion City Church, but we want to be
working hard. Co-writing with their worship writing songs for “the Church” with a big “C”. I
leader friends all over the country and then believe that the average believer with a heart of
sifting through the results to find those two or wanting to put trust in a God who can change
three songs that they feel are the contribution the situation and turn the story around is going
that God wants us to make in that year’s to love this song, and lots of people are already
Passion journey. This year, obviously being a grabbing it from all the platforms, it’s been out
New Year’s gathering, it was Kari Jobe, Cody since December 6.
Carnes, Elevation Worship, Hillsong United,
There’s Nothing Our God Can’t Do
Sean Curran, Crowder, all of the 116 guys,
Then there’s another new song that we also led
Passion, there just wasn’t a lot of real estate upbeat declaration that there is a lion roaring, there, which I have a really special place in my
for Passion to come out and say, “We’re going and that was a big theme at Passion this year, heart for. It’s called “Praise Him,” and it’s more
to record a brand new album this year with the “roar”. As we go into the Roaring Twenties of a ballad, but it’s a really beautiful, sweeping,
ten brand new songs.” They could have done again, with the roar of the lion of Judah, “King melodic invitation to come and give God all of
that, but leading with a team of people it only of Glory” is a great call to worship type of song the praise that He deserves. Melodie led that at
allowed them space for a few songs, and they that we’ve already loved using at Passion City. the conference and it just landed in a huge way.
dropped some great ones in the mix. The song
“King of Glory” is kind of an interesting half time
We did it Sunday across all of our gatherings
“There’s Nothing That Our God Can’t Do”, is
and it went really well. So I’m excited, I’m
Photo Credit: Garrett Lobaugh/Passion 2020
February 2020
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