Passion Conferences / Passion 2020
Shelley Giglio — Photographer: Nolan Knight
Jesus, to the world?
Light”, and it was just highlighting the fact that of an offering, that they’ll carry the story back
there are somewhere close to four thousand to their pastor and their town, and they’ll find
[Louie] Let’s just back up to Passion 2020, people groups on the planet who still don’t the “Share Light” information. Sharelightnow.
that was pretty significant and stunning and have scripture, not any portion of scripture, com is where all the information can be found.
none of us are getting over it very quickly. I in the language that they understand. It’s They’ll maybe adopt a people group, or adopt
woke up this morning and thought the same just a staggering reality to think that with part of the process. For thirty dollars you can
day that you and I are talking, last week we this where be a part of translating a verse of scripture for
were walking into Mercedes Benz Stadium for globalization has shrunk the world down to a people group, and everyone can do that. We
the last session of Passion 2020 with 65,000 our Instagram feed, that thousands of people want to see that movement take root, and the
eighteen to twenty-five-year-olds. I’ll just say for groups have no portion of God’s word in their translators are telling us that it is possible that
me, and I think a lot of people would “Amen” heart language. Obviously the translators are every one of these remaining languages could
this and agree, that it was one of the most holy hard at work, the process is there to bring the have some portion of scripture in their heart
and powerful, and supernatural three days that word of God to these people, but it’s just about language by 2033. So we’re not looking way
I had ever been a part of. awareness and about the finances it’s going to down the road somewhere, we’re looking at an
take, and it’s about all of us doing our part. attainable goal that all of us working together
In the middle of it was the launching of a new
can see becoming a reality in our lifetime.
campaign. We believe in worship and justice, So we did see poor college students give over and we believe that worship and justice are two 1.3 million dollars towards speeding up Bible [WM] One of the opportunities that the annual
sides of the same coin, so we’re always looking translation, which is amazing. As well we are Passion Conference affords is the presentation
for a way when we have an entire stadium full hoping those students are going to go home of new songs to those in attendance. Every
of Jesus followers, something should happen to their campus ministry, to their church, to year this platform exposes students to great
in the world in that city. This year the campaign their organization, to their city, and that they’re new songs that they take back home with
that we launched is a campaign called “Share going to be carriers of that story, no just givers them to their worship communities. This year,
February 2020
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