[Andrew Bergthold] All over the map too. A Christian music that our Dad produced while grew up playing music in Young Life, being
lot of Gospel music, I grew up playing Gospel we were growing up. Chris Tomlin and Kari involved in different levels. Our Dad was on
music, and I loved that music. And then as I Jobe. But the girl who made me want to sing the board. There were different Young Life
started playing more music of my own, more was Lauryn Hill. I watched her sing in Sister Act events where we would go and play as a family,
worship artists really spoke to me. 2 and fell in love with it. I actually watched it the and this was almost more of a hobby, a side
other day and started crying. expression. It was such a joy for us, but it was
[Scott] The first record I ever bought was a
never something where we thought one day we
cassette of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. [Scott] While we span many decades of would start making albums and really go after
My Dad made me return it because it had a music and light and experience because we this thing. It has been so beautiful to see how
bad word in it. My second record was DC Talk’s are family, there is a music umbrella that sort that beginning with our Dad is now coming
first album. Our older brother got me into that, of hangs over all our different influences. That through to our kids. Their love of music and of
and Steven Curtis Chapman. Then I got into umbrella we all have stood underneath, and our the Lord, is incredible. His legacy is carried on.
90’s rock and pop, and that really shook me influences have been channeled by it.
[Scott] I think its crazy that earlier on our
[WM] Ed and Scott, did you ever think about, age differences kept us from making music
[Martin Cash] Classic rock stuff- Steve Miller, or did you always plan on, a largely family together, now I would say that difference allows
Prince, The Police, just as a drummer the musical endeavor? us to make music together.
[Ed] Because of our Dad being such a part [WM] How did you arrive at the name of We
of Young Life, it has been a part of our DNA the Kingdom?
sounds for one were incredible, but I was super
into that feel.
[Franni Mae Cash] Mine were definitely the
and family for as long as I can remember. We
December 2019
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