[WM] It certainly is a pleasure to meet you all. ever a “healthy” competition between the two knowing what would happen decades later just
Ed, you and I have actually met before. I was of you in your songwriting and playing? gave us the grace to be really far apart in age,
in your studio on one occasion, probably 12 or
which has saved us a great deal in sibling rivalry.
13 years ago. It was during the recording of a [Ed] That’s a wonderful question. I will speak I think that were we to be a year or two apart,
Tommy Walker project, I Have a Hope. to that, and I’m sure Scott will as well. One knowing our personalities, it would be utter
thing that I think is important to know is that chaos. But because we are eleven years apart,
[Ed Cash] That’s so wild. It’s funny that you we are eleven years apart. So, that’s a lot of I feel like where we are similar, we don’t butt
mention it. Tommy at that time was 47 years years. That’s a huge difference. A decade of all heads as much, and where we are different,
old. I remember thinking, “Gosh, that’s so cool manor of influences and music styles. The cool we compliment one other. It’s been a huge gift.
that at 47 he’s making albums and is just as thing is growing up we had similar influences Our introduction to music was our Dad walking
happy as ever and going for it”. I’m 48 now and in the sense that both our Mom and Dad are around after work in boxers, and with knee
I just started a band! (laughs) I think about that very musical. Mom played the piano, and Dad high socks playing “Johnny B. Goode” on his
a lot, I really do. That was like, big, a guy who played the guitar. And that was a huge part of electric guitar with no amp. Then he got a little
was no longer in his twenties and still sees the our musical heritage, just hearing their music Marshall amp powered with a 9-volt battery
future coming and all that. And I was thinking, growing up. And they were not parents who and would clip it to his belt and plug it in and
“What is that like?”. And here we are. followed the current times. Their music was walk around.
traditionally rooted in old rhythm and blues,
[WM] Ed, you and Scott are brothers and and old school country music and all of that. [WM] Who were your musical influences early
both a part of We the Kingdom, a collective Going back and forth with that and our Mom on?
of multi-generational worshipers and musical moving into ragtime and jazz. We had a very partners. What was it like growing up musical eclectic world influence coming into it, which [Ed] A lot of soul music for me. Stevie Wonder,
brothers in the Cash household? Were your was amazing. Motown, Michael Jackson. Also, country music
musical interests at that time shared and
commensurate with each other? Was there
and Freddy King, all around.
[Scott Cash] I think God and His providence
December 2019
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