out to Gretsch evangelist Joe Carducci, and I [Doug] I think Gretsch is to Worship what the [Doug] The Center Block demo video was
ended up shooting a video for Gretsch on their Strat is to Blues. My wife is a Hillsong girl, so I very special to me because it allowed me to
Electromatic Center Block series. I still have all came up glued to those records, sifting through capture a range of the things that these guitars
the guitars I used in that video as well as the the playing and tones for the secrets behind are to me. I took lots of time in making it, so it
G5420T! the mystery of Worship guitar. While the secret was something captured hints of my love for
sauce is really the anointing ‘Droff and Chislett Jeff Beck, Hillsong, and the Allman Brothers all
[WM] Who are some of the Gretsch players shoulder, these guitars also reflect something in one place.
who have most inspired and why? very special that is only in their touch. That
[Doug] George Harrison, The Edge, ‘Droff,
same goes for all the other amazing people we [WM] What would you like to say to the
got to include in this piece! folks at Gretsch in celebration of their 135th
and MGC have all had such a huge musical
influence on me. Each one has their own [WM] What are some of your favorite tracks
sound, but at the same time there is something that you cut using a Gretsch?
[Doug] My earliest musical moments as
about the character of the Gretsch that comes a guitar player were utterly immersed in the
through in their playing that is just so special. Beatles’ music. Today, I’ve had the privilege
Ditto for all the other great players in this feature. of working with Gretsch and getting to know
They’ve all spoken to me on such a deep level. many of the amazing players who have literally
So grateful for their heart for Worship! changed the face of Worship music. I’d like to
extend a giant thanks to everyone at Gretsch.
[WM] What about Gretsch guitars makes Congratulations on 135 amazing years of doing
them great for Worship music? something that matters so much to so many!
Doug Doppler // Gretsch Center Block Guitars
December 2018
God Bless!
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