guitarist resume, you’d be hard pressed to do now! Brian Setzer, when you think of Brian
135th Anniversary?
outdo The Duke! Great tone, great feel, and a you think of him with his Gretsch. His sound great guy. Whether it’s with EW, Jesus Culture, is incomparable and he’s one of the baddest [James] Congratulations to the entire Gretsch
or Michael W., The James Duke is the real guitar players alive. Malcolm Young, Malcolm family! Thank you for making guitars that have
deal… was the rock of ACDC and he made his guitar been a huge part of the soundtrack of my life!
sound like a 747 flying through your living room.
[WM] When did you get your first Gretsch,
what model was it, and do you still own it?
[WM] What about Gretsch guitars makes Willfully committing multiple cardinal sins
them great for Worship music? of journalism, I’m interviewing myself. No
[James] I got my first Gretsch, the 6118
nickname, got saved off the platform as a hired
Anniversary model in 2004. It’s such an amazing [James] Gretsch guitars have such a classic musician, and now spend my hours, days,
sounding instrument that really took my playing sound that’s easy to play almost any style of nights, weeks, and years pouring into this
in a new direction. She flew the coop earlier this music with. They cut through a mix really well. magazine, which we think of as a ministry. As
[WM] Who are some of the Gretsch players
noted below, I have the privilege of being part of
[WM] What are some of your favorite tracks the Gretsch legacy, so I figured that was God’s
that you cut using a Gretsch? hand, so why not jump in on the Gretsch fun…
[James] “How He Loves” by John Mark [WM] When did you get your first Gretsch,
McMillan. “Surrounded” by Michael W. Smith what model was it, and do you still own it?
(Worship or not) who have most inspired and
[James] The Edge. He’s used Gretsch guitars
was another great one!
on some of the most iconic U2 songs. When
[Doug] Back when I was doing a lot of
I saw him play his Country Gentleman live I [WM] What would you like to say to the gear demos for hire, I knew I had to have a
knew that one day I was going to own one. I folks at Gretsch in celebration of their G5420T to round out my arsenal. I reached
December 2018
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