From the Beatles to the Stray Cats, Gretsch
guitars have earned their place in Rock ‘n Roll
history. But this 135 th Anniversary story is a very
different one, one whose roots stretch back to
the small Australian suburb of Balcombe Hills.
Like music, an anointing is not something you
can reach out and touch, but it is real just the
same. Phrases like ‘heart for the House’ are
key to the DNA that shoulders the anointing
that is on Hillsong Church. But it’s not just a
‘Hillsong thing’ – we all have a part to play in
building His house. Even better, God gave each
of us the gift of music as a language to reach
the lost and bring Him glory. We get to do this
– how awesome is that?
To paraphrase Matt Redman, what we do
looks a lot like what mainstream musicians DOYLE DYKES number of the Fender people who manage
do, but it is so different! What we do with our Gretsch guitars have been a part of my life production and marketing for the brand. They
instruments is not about making music, it is an since I was a boy. Having owned many Gretsch have included full pages of me in their product
act of worship, and that is what separates what guitars in the past, and I still have several now, catalogues (on the White Falcon pages) and
we do from all the other people who pick up I am a fan for life. I've represented Gretsch at the Chet Atkins
a guitar and strum away. It is also one of the
Appreciation Society Convention several times.
reasons that we as worship musicians are so Just last year I got a call from my good friend On one of those performances, we honored
passionate about our instruments. When I think Fred W. Gretsch to put together a collection of Fred Gretsch's 50th year in the music business
about the essence of Worship guitar and the songs played only on Gretsch guitars. To me, and another was to honor Chet Atkins' 60th
players who’ve crafted it, no guitars have had that was like shooting fish in a barrel because Anniversary with Gretsch where I also appeared
a bigger influence than Gretsch. Simply put, those guitars make anybody sound great! on a video at the famous Studio B in Nashville
Worship music would not be the same without I chose a number of old tunes, a couple of with Duane Eddy, Steve Wariner, Dr. John
Gretsch guitars. George Harrison songs and one or two I wrote Knowles and others. Earlier this year I played
myself. In fact, I wrote the title song of the at a special 135th Anniversary event with Fred
In celebration of Gretsch’s 135 th Anniversary, album "The Return of the Falcon”. It was one Gretsch and Joe Carducci and a number of
we gathered some of the most influential of the most fun albums I've worked on in years. other great Gretsch endorsers (including great
Christian guitarists to share the impact that
drummer Liberty DeVitto) at Street Sounds
Gretsch guitars have had on their playing. To I have done of number of shows for Gretsch Music in Brooklyn, not far from the original
kick things off, you’ll get a chance to hear from guitars, even some this year. I feel my factory. People were there to honor Gretsch
one of the true masters of the instrument. Doyle involvement is more about friendship, than Guitars from all over the world.
Dykes has played and/or recorded with Duane just business, as through the years I've gotten Eddy, Chet Atkins, Merle Travis, and Les Paul. to know Fred and his lovely wife Dinah and a
Some of my fondest memories were when my
father would take me to Harvey's Barber Shop
in Jacksonville, FL on North Pearl Street. The
excitement wasn't so much to get a haircut but
to hear Harvey Simmons play his guitar. Harvey
would also let me play his 1962 Gretsch Chet
Atkins 6120. He also owned a great 1964,
6120. He would say, "Doyle, play some of that
Chet stuff on that orange Gretsch!" I would
Doyle Dykes Playing Jerry Reed’s Gretsch
Doyle Dykes at Street Sounds Music
December 2018
usually start off with "Oh By Jingo!" I could only
dream of owning such a great guitar. Now I do,
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