Mary Claire Photography
By Doug Doppler
One of the things I enjoy most about our [Daniel Carson] I am in Montgomery your own practice, rehearsal with the band, and
conversations with Daniel is that he shares his Alabama, and it is officially Christmas season now the performance dimension?
expertise in a way that pretty much any guitar for the Tomlin touring band here! We have a player can relate to. Christmas comes but once full production rehearsal today at the venue [Daniel] My personal rehearsing for the
a year, as do the songs we dust off. In many and then we play here tomorrow night. It’s Christmas tour began as soon as we finished
ways, these songs are more musically diverse really exciting, it’s one of our favorite times of our fall tour back in October. As soon as I got
than the ones way play throughout the year, so the year. Chris really loves Christmas touring home I was going through my chord charts
they offer some unique challenges and rewards and Christmas music. We’ve made a couple from the last year and thumbing through a few
in terms of what we can learn as we prepare for of Christmas records over the last decade or songs, working on a few chords that I might
our Christmas services. With that in mind, we so. So, it’s a fun time of year to relearn those have forgotten about. I start prepping for the
wanted to see how Daniel approaches doing songs and figure out how to make them feel Christmas tour a month is advance, just making
this for Chris Tomlin’s Christmas tour! good again. It’s just really exciting. sure I’m up to snuff and can remember all my
[WM] Daniel, where are you guys today, and [WM] As it relates to preparing Christmas what are you guys doing today? songs, can you describe your approach for
parts and all my sounds.
December 2018
This has been really helpful to me and maybe
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