I enjoy the arena shows. Even though, like I [WM] Is there a facial hair hierarchy in the Hollywood-style mask that came to someone
said, there is a lot of excitement in getting up band? Like, you have to do all the chores for as a Christmas present. It wasn’t a thing you
there in front of thousands of people - it’s a cool somebody else if you have less facial hair? get for kids at Party City or anything like that. It
feeling. But you still feel kind of disconnected
from what's going on in the building.
was a full-on mask like something they would
[BJ] No, nothing like that! My job after a show use on a set to change someone's appearance.
is so easy. Don’t tell anyone I said that, though. It went over David’s shoulders and everything.
[WM] Are you still the only member of [Editor’s note: Whoops] After a show I usually The hope was that he was actually going to
Crowder’s band without a beard? have my stuff packed up in like 5 minutes be able to walk around, you know, and not be
and I’m often the first one on the bus. I'm not noticed. So, he could actually go out and do
[BJ] I have a beard now! It's just not as generally required to do any more than that. things with us while we’re on tour and people
aggressive as some of the other guys. I have When we’re packing up after a show most of wouldn't stop him on the street every three
gotten a little lazy with it, so I do have a the audience hanging out mistakes either Todd seconds. That mask is either on a different
beard, but it's not anywhere near as folically- or Kenny for David. bus or it stayed at home or something for this
successful as David, Todd, or Kenny’s. Me and
trip. I haven’t seen him wear it only a handful of
JR and Antwan the drummer, we have the least [WM] That’s how we end up with multiple
amount of facial hair of the group, but we all still David Crowder sightings at your tour stops?
have some kind of beard going on.
[WM] Thanks, man! Say “hey” to the family
[BJ] Exactly! One time we actually had full
Mary Claire Photography
times, but the idea of it really made us laugh.
December 2018
for me!
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