[WM] You got your start in a very traditional accordion, acoustic guitar and stuff like that. bluegrass setting. Crowder songs do have So, it's kind of all over the map. It's definitely a some folk and bluegrass elements, but for the far cry from any of the stuff I've previously done It's not all about guitar leads or lead
most part the stuff you're playing right now is with our family or with the other bluegrass band instrumentation all of the time, but the extra
quite a bit different. that I was with before I came here. elements add things that you might never hear
[BJ] Yeah, his music is kind of everywhere. He’s [WM] Traditional bluegrass versus what called it “Swamp Pop”. We have everything from you do now with Crowder. What are some [WM] When you first started with Crowder
more traditional praise and worship; elements of the more challenging elements of the your primary role was the fiddle/mandolin
of bluegrass; rough acoustic instrumentation different styles? player. I understand that's expanded a little bit.
also worship oriented.
on a Sunday morning at church.
mixed in with a lot of electronics - which was
What instruments do you rotate through during
his background from the David Crowder Band [BJ] Bluegrass is a much more improvisational, days. And then we will dial it all the way back lead-oriented situation where you have five down to a real dynamic-oriented, acoustic or more individuals putting their stamp on [BJ] I probably play more electric guitar now
setting that kind of has a bluegrass/Americana arrangements. Whereas Crowder’s music is than any other instrument. I’d say about 60
feel to it. We do a broken-down session in our a little more vibe-y and has more to do with percent electric stuff - the other 40 percent a
set - a couple of songs where it's just a single blended, complimentary elements. It isn’t just mix of violin and mandolin. Kenny is another
microphone and all of us guys standing around the message of the songs, but also the emotion utility guy and we switch off a lot - not just
it playing acoustic instruments: violin, mandolin, that you're trying to get across because it is during the set but during the songs themselves.
December 2018
a typical show?
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