// Irregular Instrumentation
By Tyson Bryant
BJ’s family band, Cherryholmes, was a surprise I had a chance to meet up with BJ the last This particular interview was a special treat for
sensation in the bluegrass genre in the early time he came through Seattle. We talked about me. BJ is my younger brother. It is possible
2000s and at a young age BJ was already unconventional instrumentation in worship (although unlikely) that I would have picked
an accomplished bluegrass road-warrior. He music, useful gear for acoustic instruments, on him less when we were kids if I would have
brings that experience to Crowder’s band, as and he shared an anecdote or two about road been able to look ahead to the time when I’d be
his lead guitar, mandolin, and violin player. life with one of the busiest touring bands in so proud of him.
the industry.
December 2018
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