I’m about to be a volunteer church musician
So that’s some of the Biblical reasons for
There are a few biblical precedences for preparing. Let’s talk about two practical
As I write this, I’m on hiatus from the platform. preparation that I want to look at. I encourage reasons to prepare.
Over this last year, I journeyed alongside you to look up the actual passages as you read a young leader to hand off my worship through this.
WorshipWorkshop.com. Once this hiatus is
pastor position to him. I’ll now be focusing
First, we see a call for skillful musicianship.
When we prepare, we are more confident to
Psalm 33:3 says, “play skillfully...”
play and sing. That confidence begets more
over, I will step back in, first as a mentor and
trainer to the team and second as a volunteer 1 Chronicles shows us that the temple freedom for us to worship. More freedom
musician and worship leader. Honestly, that musicians were skilled (15:22, 25:6-8). Most to worship equals better leadership of and
second one freaks me out a little. I realize now notable in there is this phrase… “all of them engagement with the congregation. And all of
more than ever how much weight is on the trained and skilled in music for the Lord” The that means a better experience for everyone.
volunteer platform musician. temple musicians had to invest in their craft Our preparation helps create an environment
so they could become skilled. That kind of that encourages people to worship.
As a vocational worship leader, preparation was skill requires preparation. So, preparation is part of my ‘job’. I could weave practice into the required for worship musicians to be skilled. Now, the next motivation for preparation
fabric of my vocational office work. But for you, Why? We can’t lead well what we don’t know doesn’t sound like it, but it also helps shape
the volunteer church vocalist or instrumentalist, well. If you're called to be on the worship team, that worship-focused environment.
personal preparation is in addition to the you're called to be skilled. And skill requires time you give to rehearsals and services. preparation.
When we’re prepared, leading musical worship
So, you have to find a way to carve it out of
your busy life. As a worship leader for almost Second, the act of practice can be an act of is just more fun. I know, it seems sort of trivial,
twenty years, I’ve seen what that investment worship. Romans 12:1 talks about being a but why shouldn’t this be fun?
of personal practice can do for a church and ‘living sacrifice’. With the right heart attitude, worship ministry. But I’ve also seen what the our personal preparation can be a sacrifice of Singing and playing is better when you don’t
lack of it reaps as well. time, talent, and energy that we give in worship have to think about all the mechanics of chords
to God. Think about it. If you sing or play an and lyrics and form and dynamics. You just
Your practice - or lack of practice - affects the instrument - that’s offering your physical body know them. And when the congregation sees
rest of your team. And really, the whole church. to him. It’s a ‘living sacrifice’. us enjoying what we’re doing on the platform,
Healthy team members are committed to And exceptional musicianship. preparation is this… preparation helps us to
that actually puts them at ease and gives them
permission to enjoy our gathered worship time,
create beauty and excellence.
So, as I join you in the ranks of becoming a
We don’t have time here to unpack that whole
statement. But wrapped up in the words In Philippians 4:8, Paul encourages us to dwell volunteer worship team member again, let’s
committed, exceptional, and musicianship is on things that are beautiful, lovely, excellent, both take personal preparation seriously,
preparation. etc. I believe he says that because those knowing that it’s not just about sounding good,
qualities draw people to the ultimate Creator but it’s about worshiping God and helping
One of the ways we become better church of those qualities. If we create beautiful and others do the same.
musicians is to remind ourselves of the why? - excellent music, it stirs people's hearts and can why are we doing what we’re doing? Here are encourage them to seek God. But we have to three big motivations for personal preparation. prepare to generate that kind of beauty and
December 2018
Jon Nicol
Jon’s the founder of WorshipWorkshop.com and
WorshipTeamCoach.com, two sites that help
worship leaders build strong teams and lead
engaging worship. He lives and serves in Lexington,
Ohio with his wife Shannon and their four kids.
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